EFFECTIVE since February 4, 2020 ago, visa-free travel to Jeju Island has been suspended, as reported on the Korea Visa Application Center page, the South Korean Ministry of Justice’s decision was made due to the corona virus outbreak.

According to Irma Maulida, Media and Public Relations of the Korea Tourism Organization in press release said tourists who want to visit Jeju Island can apply for a visa to the Korea Visa Application Center (KVAC). It is known to have been valid visa-free to Jeju Island for direct visits without going through South Korea first.

“In addition to the suspension of visa-free suspension to Jeju Island, there are also other policies relating to this corona virus outbreak. All foreign nationals who have recently visited or lived in Hubei Province within the past 14 days are prohibited from entering South Korea, as quoted from the page,” she said.

She added that for this rule it is not known how long it will take effect. While the suspension of visa-free to Jeju Island also applies to tourists from Indonesia.

“Indonesians choose to take a vacation to Jeju Island, for tourists who do not want to take care of a holiday visa to South Korea. Because if you go to Jeju Island via South Korea, visitors must still take care of a visitor visa even if only in transit. It is known that entering Jeju Island can be from Hong Kong or Kuala Lumpur. Both countries also offer visa-free access for Indonesian passport holders,” she concluded. [photo special]