THE online shopping application, Tokopedia, frees shipping costs to encourage more disciplined people to stay at home to fight the corona virus outbreak (COVID-19).

According to Tokopedia’s VP of Corporate Communications, Nuraini Razak in her release stated that in addition to providing free shipping services to encourage disciplined people not to leave the house in meeting their daily needs, Tokopedia also cut service costs 100% for sellers in the health product category and other basic necessities.

“Tokopedia now requires all employees to work from home. It is intended to ensure that the public can access Tokopedia services as usual and together stop the rate of COVID-19 distribution,” Nuraini Razak said.

Nuraini added that Tokopedia’s other efforts to reduce this pandemic included various initiatives involving all stakeholders, both sellers and buyers, humanitarian agencies and the general public.

Besides through education, Nuraini continued, this step is considered to be able to encourage sellers to maintain product availability and keep prices stable, considering that online shopping can be an alternative to reduce the risk of spreading viruses in crowded places while encouraging local businesses to continue operating online.

Tokopedia’s internal data shows an increase in transactions in health products and other basic needs since the COVID-19 pandemic emerged in Indonesia. The most sought after products include various types of mouth masks, antiseptic liquids or hand sanitizers, to healthy snacks.

To make it easier for people to get health products and other basic needs as needed and more efficiently, Tokopedia carries out a Healthy Care and Complete Home Inventory campaign. In addition, Tokopedia distributes more than thousands of snacks packages for underprivileged children who have to learn from home.

“Tokopedia is also currently in discussions with partners of humanitarian agencies to distribute sanitation equipment to those in need. We encourage all people to contribute in suppressing the spread of COVID-19 through #DiRumahAjaDulu”, the simple but most important thing to do to maintain mutual safety,” she said.

Nuraini said Tokopedia also made a special page to make it easier for the public to get the latest developments on COVID-19 and can be accessed through this link. [photo special]