ASSOCIATION of the Indonesian Tours & Travel Agencies (ASITA) found that people would immediately travel within 1 month after the Corona virus pandemic (COVID-19) ended in its pre-survey.

According to President of ASITA N. Rusmiati said the pre-survey conducted by ASITA took the form of a poll taken from the Asita Business Talk participants on May 9, 2020, which was filled by 275 respondents.

“The interesting thing from this quick survey is that people will immediately travel within 1 month after the pandemic is over with the most choice is visiting friends and relatives as much as 22.5%,” N. Rusmiati said.

She added, then, in the pre-survey it was also found that people who would travel to other cities were 19.5% and traveled to other provinces reached 18.7%. Business travel is also a reason for people to travel immediately, which is as much as 16.9%. The number of people who chose to travel abroad after the pandemic reached 13.9%.

“In this pre-survey it was also found that large-scale social restrictions were implemented for almost 2 months and the social distancing/physical distancing campaign was deeply embedded in the minds of respondents. These conditions make 44.6% of respondents choose to travel to visit natural attractions such as beaches, mountains, rivers, waterfalls, or tourist villages to relieve fatigue after a long time at home,” she said.

She explained, then, cultural tourism became the next choice of respondents, namely 21%. Culinary 14%, and other reasons such as business 6%, hospitality 5%, adventure tourism 4%, and various other reasons 6%.

“This pre-survey was conducted by ASITA before conducting a study to find out the changes that occurred in the pattern of traveler tourists and foreign tourists after the COVID-19 pandemic,” N. Rusmiati concluded. [photo special}