AS the Indonesian Keris has been recognized as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO on November 25, 2005.

The existence of this recognition, according to Indonesian Petitioner Expert, Ir. Haryono Haryoguritno, has consequences for all parties to do many things in preserving and developing Indonesian percussion.

“It’s time we start doing many things related to the world of percussion. The UNESCO action plan must be immediately re-translated and implemented as one of the consequences of our responsibility for the receipt of the Indonesian keris as a world cultural heritage,” said Haryono Haryoguritno.

Haryono explained, first titled Keris as Indonesia’s Intangible Cultural Heritage describing the world of percussion in general, including from the micro aspect including the outline of the development of knowledge in the world of percussion including in the periodization of the establishment of the era of keris, the development of keris-making materials, kreteria kris valuation, up to the kris as an investment where kris in the current era has become one of the important commodities in the trading of art objects which have varied prices.

Meanwhile on his point of view entitled UNESCO’s Recognition and Consequences, Haryono explained the macro aspects of the world of percussion. Indonesia’s proposal to UNESCO about a kris so that it is recognized as intangible cultural heritage includes, among others, history, tradition, social functions, forging techniques, aesthetics, philosophy, symbols and mysticism of Indonesian percussion.

Haryono considered, as an impact of the recognition of UNESCO, it was necessary to carry out action plans both in the short term such as forming the Indonesian Keris Institute, while in the medium term among others inventoried the keris, the owner, and his fans as well as conducting laboratory research.

While in the long run is to form Kerisology as a new science about keris which is arranged scientifically, systematically, and comprehensively. [sources/photo special]