THE new normal phase offers hope for travelers who miss adventure, although conditions will be far different than before the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Serlina Wijaya, Chief Marketing Officer of Pegipegi, said in an official broadcast, based on Pegipegi’s research on 900 respondents in Indonesia, 67% of respondents were interested in traveling in a new normal phase, the rest had not planned a trip. As many as 73% planned to travel within the next two months, citing family needs (33%), releasing fatigue (26) %) as well as business and education.

“In the research, it was revealed that the tourist destinations targeted by Indonesian people in the new normal phase. As many as 91% of respondents make domestic destinations the top choice, with Yogyakarta, Bandung and Jakarta being the main choices,” she said.

Serlina Wijaya explained other cities that were also chosen were Surabaya, Bali, Semarang, Padang, Palembang, and Sabang. While at least another 9% chose to travel abroad, such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and several other countries such as Saudi Arabia, Australia, Korea, and the Netherlands. This figure shows that people choose destinations that are relatively closer and easily accessible in new normal situations.

“We understand that so far the community has made every effort to stay at home and postpone traveling for the sake of mutual safety and health. “During this transition we see the desire to travel start to increase,” she noted.

She continued that while the mode of transportation chosen in the normal phase was only dominated by aircraft (53%), then private vehicles (27%), trains (16%) followed by buses (4%). Half the respondents were interested in exploring nature tourism, while 24% chose culinary tourism when it was time to return to travel. [antaranews/photo special]