TOURISM and Creative Economy Ministry urges restaurant managers in tourist destinations that have opened limited services for tourists to always be disciplined in implementing strict health protocols.

According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Wishnutama Kusubandio said that currently several tourist destinations that had a low risk of transmission had been officially opened, such as Borobudur, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko temples. Therefore, it is important for the tourism industry, especially restaurant businesses to implement health protocols in the new normal era.

“Culinary places play a very important role in a tourist destination. Therefore, he stressed that restaurant managers must hold fast and be disciplined in implementing health protocols, “he said.

Wishnutama added, it was important that after opening the initial stages of a destination, the rate of transmission of COVID-19 did not experience a surge.

Meanwhile the Deputy for Strategic Policy of the Ministry of Tourism, Kurleni Ukar asserted, health protocols in the tourism business as regulated in KMK Number HK.01.07 / Menkes / 382/2020 concerning Health Protocols for Communities in Public Places and Facilities in the Context of Prevention and Control of COVID-19 is absolutely followed by all stakeholders, both tourists, destination managers, to all levels of society.

“The protocol prepared by the Indonesian Government has referred to and complies with World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) standards which previously released protocols based on World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (DCP),” Kurleni Ukar said.

Kurleni Ukar explained, the health protocol for the field of tourism and the creative economy had also been emphasized through consultation with various parties and considering the input of industry players in the private sector.

“Some of the new normal protocols for restaurant businesses and their employees are standard procedures such as measuring body temperature, providing hand sanitizers in various places, using masks, and cleaning with disinfectants,”  Kurleni said.

In addition, Kurleni continued to prioritize the health and cleanliness of restaurant services, while maintaining distance, minimizing physical touch, introducing digital facilities to staff and guests such as e-menus, implementing payment transactions that are electronic or online, and businesses are encouraged to provide hand sanitizers in every corner restaurant.

“This health protocol is very important to follow, because tourism is a business that is highly dependent on the confidence of domestic and international tourists. Training trust or confidence, is the key in accelerating recovery, so it must be highly considered and implemented,” Kurleni concluded. []