JAKARTA Provincial Government is extending large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) until March 8, 2021 with the aim of reducing the rate of decline in active cases while at the same time maintaining the decrease in the occupancy of isolation beds in Jakarta.

This step was taken by the Jakarta Provincial Government based on data compiled by the DKI Jakarta Health Office which shows that the extension of the PSBB, which was previously implemented on 7-22 February 2021, was able to reduce the rate of active cases in Jakarta.

According to the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office, Widyastuti, explained that there was a decrease in the number of active cases as of February 7, 2021, the rate of active cases in DKI Jakarta was 23,869 and decreased significantly as of February 21, 2021, which was 13,309.

“The rate of active cases that seems to have decreased was also contributed by the increase in the recovery of positive COVID-19 patients, as of 7 February 2021 of 265,359 with a percentage of 90.3% recovery, increasing as of 21 February 2021 of 310,412 with a percentage of 94.5% of the percentage of national recovery. which is at 85 percent,” said Widyastuti in her statement.

In line with the decline in active cases, the level of occupancy, both isolation and ICU beds, has also continued to decline in recent times, which he said shows the Jakarta Provincial Government’s care and steps to increase the capacity of isolation beds and ICUs are very effective in improving patient recovery.

Widyastuti said that as of February 5, 2021 there were 8,259 beds, 5,921 beds or 72% filled, which decreased as of February 21, 2021, accompanied by increased bed capacity to 8,321 units and filled with 5,461 beds or 66% of the existing capacity.

“Meanwhile, the ICU capacity has also decreased, namely as of February 5, 2021, our ICU capacity was 1,133 and filled with 842 or 74%, and on February 21, 2021 the ICU capacity was 1156, filled 817 or 71%,” she said.

Even though there has been a decrease, be it active cases, the level of filling of isolation beds, or the ICU, Jakarta’s Governor Anies Baswedan stated that the public should not be careless and must remain disciplined by 3M (wearing masks, washing hands with soap, and maintaining distance).

Moreover, the challenge of maintaining the rate of decline in active cases has increased when extreme rain has hit Jabodetabek in recent days and has caused inundation, demanding that some Jakarta residents stay in refugee camps.

“We at the Jakarta Provincial Government have prepared various refugee posts with strict health protocols, facilities for testing for symptomatic refugees, even controlled isolation tents for those found positive,” Anies noted.

Even though the trend shows a significant decline, Anies also emphasized that his office would still improve its testing, traceability and maintenance capabilities.

The Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta has extended the PSBB period following the direction in the implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) for Java-Bali until March 8, 2021, through Governor Decree Number 172 of 2021. [antaranews/photo special]