THE alcoholic beverage distributor predicts that alcohol drink beer consumers will switch to consuming Balinese arak which has just obtained legality.

According to the Chairperson of the Group A Bali Alcoholic Beverage Distributor Association, Frendy Karmana, said that after Balinese arak is legalized as an alcoholic drink, there will likely be a change in consumer consumption from beer to Balinese arak. This change is also due to the pandemic, so those who drink beer want to drink alcohol at an affordable price, and also because wine has been legalized.

Frendy explained that this change in mycol consumption would not last long, or until the COVID-19 pandemic subsided and people could return to enjoying alcoholic drink of beer as the economy slowly recovers.

“Currently there are beer drinkers who are shifting, so try local products first. Once COVID-19 subsides, they will return to enjoying beer. Meanwhile, both Balinese arak and beer have their respective market shares. So, legalizing Balinese arak will not affect it. Alcoholic drink Produced by the factory industry,” he said.

He explained that this wine and micol have different ways, times and places to be enjoyed, so the manufactured alcoholic drink will not be so influential by the legalization of Balines arak.

Previously, through Presidential Decree No. 10/2021 on the Investment Business Sector, which was stipulated on February 2, 2021, Balinese Arak, Brem Bali, and Bali Tuak drinks became legitimate businesses to be produced and developed. Presidential Decree Number 10 of 2021 is the implementation of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. [ special]