INDONESIA’S Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, on Saturday (10/4) said that the culinary industry is important to boost Indonesia’s economic growth. The Indonesian culinary industry is a potential industry and continues to experience growth. This industry boosts the national economy and is able to create large jobs.

Furthermore, Sandiaga added, to encourage the culinary industry to be more competitive even internationally, it requires knowledge of business and culinary itself.

“In this new normal era, business knowledge must be possessed by (culinary industry players) to compete and collaborate. In the future, the edu-tech platform is also expected to become a global startup that inspires culinary entrepreneurs. compete even in the international market,” said Minister Sandiaga.

Meanwhile, CEO of Foodizz Rex Marindo said that the challenge that is often faced by culinary business people is the lack of education about the business itself. During my trip with Foodizz friends, we noticed that there was a gap that was far enough to cause the culinary business to fail due to the lack of comprehensive and comprehensive knowledge.

“Some of them, starting from operational activities, marketing, financial, supply chain management, product development, to investment for later the culinary business can scale up,” he noted.

He explained, with the existence of business knowledge activities such as the Foodizz Culinary Business School, it is hoped that participants can gain access to the culinary business ecosystem such as business science in theory, partnership connections, investors, vendors, technology and government licensing, of course with assistance from advisors who are experts. in the field. [sources/photo special]