PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk will fully support the decision of Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) or State-Owned Enterprises Minister,  Erick Thohir who plans to organize the Garuda Indonesia’s subsidiary state-owned company, including this national flag-carrier.

The arrangement is in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number SK-315/MBU/12/2019 concerning the Arrangement of Subsidiaries or Joint Ventures in the Environment of State-Owned Enterprises which was published last December 12.

At present Garuda Indonesia has 7 subsidiaries and 19 companies with various business fields. Starting from low cost carriers, ground handling, inflight catering, facility maintenance, information technology services, reservation services, hospitality, land transportation, e-commerce & marketplace, cargo expedition services, and tour & travel.

According to Garuda’s ad interim President Director, Fuad Rizal said that the joint management of the board of commissioners would conduct a comprehensive review and evaluation of the existence of the company’s subsidiary. And, it will focus more on the business of subsidiaries that support the main business, namely airlines,” he said.

At present, Fuad added, in accordance with the commitment, Garuda Indonesia has stopped developing and reviewing the establishment of subsidiaries new companies, which are not in line with the aviation’s core business. []