THE Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy reminds the important role of millennial generation in developing the quality of tourism and the creative economy, so that it has a positive impact on the length of visits and the level of tourist spending when visiting Indonesia.

According to Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Angela Tanoesoedibjo said the development of tourism and the creative economy could not only be done by the government, but also the entire community including millennial generation.

“Research in the industrial revolution 4.0 shows that 51 percent of tourists today are millennials, and 70% of tourists in searching and sharing their experiences in traveling are always done online. This is where millennials through digital platforms can play a role in promoting our region,” Angela Tanoesoedibjo said.

Angela said, tourism and the creative economy are sectors that have a large multiplier effect on society. Tourism development, for example, will always be in line with regional development. Starting from infrastructure, telecommunications and others.

“Likewise with the creative economy, where when talking about creativity, of course we talk about human resources. So it needs to be underlined that the development of the creative economy is the development of the community itself and will continue to grow,” she said.

She also mentioned that data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) showed that the foreign exchange value achieved by the Tourism & Creative Economy sector every year always increased. In 2018, tourism contributed foreign exchange of US$19.29 billion and more than US$20 billion in 2019. Likewise in the creative economy whose export value in 2018 reached US$21.2 billion and in 2019 it is estimated to reach US$22,6 billion.

“The absorption of its work is also very large. We will see that in 2018 tourism will be able to absorb 12.8 million people and the creative economy will be able to absorb 18.2 million people,” Angela said.

Furthermore Angela said, Kemenparekraf in an effort to improve the quality of tourists, in this case the length of visit and the level of expenditure, has short and medium term targets. The first is to improve safety and security so that it can provide a sense of security and comfort for tourists.

Next is to increase connectivity, namely by increasing the number of seat capacity to Indonesia, including interconnectivity in Indonesia. Third is the improvement of human resources, because tourism is closely related to services.

Likewise in the creative economy, where the government will create an ecosystem that can support local players, including supporting superior seeds of millennial generation.

“This is very important, because we want to create a balance between local players and foreign players,” Angela said.

“No less important is the increase in human resources in terms of technical, soft skills, so they can develop into an entrepreneur. We will also prepare training where prospective workers will be met with the industry so that they can be directly absorbed well,” Angela noted.

Angela hopes that millennials can really take part in this development. It is hoped that here can be part of it, improving the image of Indonesia and promoting Indonesia even better. []