GRAND Sahid Jaya Hotel in collaboration with Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency provides accommodation for health workers to stay overnight from Pelni Hospital which is one of the referral hospitals for handling COVID-19.

According to Tourism Minister Wishnutama when directly observing the readiness of accommodation for health workers at the Grand Sahid Hotel, Jakarta, Friday (04/17) explained, the Ministry of Tourism continues to facilitate the needs of health workers by cooperating with the tourism industry in the emergency pandemic COVID-19.

“We continue to work together to provide these facilities and accommodations. But with the readiness and requirements that must be met by the hotel,” Wishnutama said.

Wishnutama explained, Tourism  & Creative Economy Ministry has reallocated a budget of IDR500 billion, one of which is to provide accommodation and transportation for health workers that are tailored to the needs of hospitals.

“Until now there are 1,725 ​​health workers in Jakarta who have been facilitated. This cooperation is also a form of the Ministry of Tourism’s support for the tourism industry, namely hospitality including staff and workers in it,” he said.

Meanwhile Grand Sahid President Director Hariyadi Sukamdani explained, in this cooperation 220 rooms were prepared where 60 rooms would be used for 100 health workers from Pelni Hospital. In addition to accommodation, three meals a day are also prepared and laundry facilities are prepared.

Hariyadi ensured that his hotel was carrying out Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) relating to guest services as determined by the Ministry of Health regarding COVID-19 handling.

“Among other routine disinfectant spraying especially at hotel entrances, sanitation activities, physical distancing arrangements in all areas of the hotel including the use of elevators, minimizing direct service interactions, and other measures recommended by the Ministry of Health,” Hariyadi noted.

He added, all medical staff who were staying overnight and hotel employees would pass several health protocols such as body temperature checks and the use of personal protective equipment as a mandatory step in anticipating the transmission of COVID-19.

“The hotel carries out special SOPs in carrying out their daily tasks both in parts that meet directly or indirectly with all medical personnel, for example SOPs in housekeeping from sanitation procedures, frequency of cleaning, to providing extra amenities,” Hariyadi Sukamdani affirmed.

Hariyadi further said, in addition to Jakarta, his side also prepared a hotel as a location for the stay of health workers in Ternate and Morotai. He is also preparing his hotel chains in Yogyakarta and Cikarang.

“We prepare as needed. Because those in Ternate and Morotai meet the standards to be ready to receive a medical team. Including Cikarang, which already received a medical team next week,” he concluded. []