GARUDA Indonesia’s national airline start Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 00.01, serving flight operations as a follow-up to transportation control policies during Ramadan and Eid Fitr 1441 H which refers to the provisions of the Circular Task Force for Handling Acceleration of COVID-19 Number 4 of 2020.

According to Garuda Indonesia’s Managing Director Irfan Setiaputra in his press release revealed that the flight service will be operated in accordance with the criteria of the people who can access transportation services during the COVID-19 pandemic such as passengers who will carry out official duties, public interest, health and medical, the people who will returning home, repatriation needs, important economic function services and the mobilization of Indonesian migrant workers.

“Reservations for the flight service can be accessed starting this afternoon through the entire channel owned by Garuda Indonesia ticket channels,” he said.

He added, the re-operation of the domestic aviation service was carried out based on intensive communication with the Government and relevant authorities in ensuring the readiness of flight service needs in line with the ongoing mission of preventing the spread of COVID-19 through the implementation of clear and measurable health protocols, particularly as implemented by the relevant authorities.

“Garuda Indonesia implements a very strict passenger reception and screening procedure for operated flight services, including through the enforcement of the provisions for the inclusion of COVID-19 health and negative certificates from the hospital,” said Irfan

He also explained, for passengers with the purpose of official travel must be proven by showing the Office Identity Card and assignment letter from the office, the inclusion of a statement not going home/written statement of reasons for traveling.

In addition, passengers must fulfill the required documents in accordance with the provisions of the applicable health protocol.

“Further information regarding the provisions of passenger criteria and requirements that must be met can access,” he concluded.

For Garuda customers who meet the criteria for being able to fly, you can contact Garuda Indonesia call center services + 6221-2351 9999 and 0804 1 807 807 through the website and Garuda Indonesia mobile apps. [ special]