ENTERING the new normal order and the recovery of the regional economy, the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut B. Pandjaitan called on the Governors, Regents and Mayors whose regions have priority tourist destinations, to continue to monitor and oversee Micro small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) recovery program in the Tourism and Creative Economy Sector.

“Many of the MSME and Tourism Recovery Programs can be utilized, let us work together. Local governments must look for opportunities, leaders in the regions, please continue to monitor and continue to disseminate to the community, if there are difficulties in the implementation, we will help. All must be proactive, work holistically to help the regional economy and also benefit people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said.

Minister Luhut in his direction in the virtual forum, Webinar “Provision and Access to Capital for MSMEs in the Tourism and Creative Economy Sector”, accompanied by Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Marko Odves Manuhutu, Deputy Minister of Industry and Investment Kemenadekek Fadjar Hutomo, Governor of North Sumatra Edi Rahmayadi, Representative of BUMN, PT Pertamina and MSMEs, on Friday (12/6).

To the Governor of North Sumatra Edi Rahmayadi, Minister Luhut requested that all opportunities that exist must be utilized as well as possible. Governor, please make good local original products, strengthen competitiveness, provide ease of business for the community and we will support.

He explained, the contribution of MSMEs to the Indonesian economy, based on data from the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, absorbed more than 95% of the total workforce or more than 115 million, contributing to 14.4% of the value of non-oil exports and contributing 61% of national GDP. There are six government strategies in developing MSMEs, including; expanding market access, enhancing competitiveness, developing entrepreneurship, accelerating financing and investment, ease and business opportunities and cross-sectoral coordination.

“Meanwhile, government assistance programs that can be utilized include the tax incentive program, in which one of the points is the exemption of import PPH for 19 specific sectors, tax payers for ease of import for export purposes and small and medium industry taxpayers. There is also an interest subsidy for 60.66 million MSMEs credit accounts valued at IDR1,601.75 trillion with details of an interest subsidy of IDR35.28 trillion and a postponement of loan principal payments of IDR285.09 trillion. In addition, fiscal support for economic stimulation is valued at IDR720 trillion,” Luhut noted.

Meawhile Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Marko Oddo Manuhutu added, all leaders in the regions should also campaign for the Proudly Made Indonesian National Movement. According to him, this is to keep the MSMEs  sector running while also growing a sense of pride in products made by the nation’s children.

“It can be seen on the website, everything can be seen there. The latest data is that more than 300 thousand MSMEs have joined, it is hoped that with the active support of all parties, this will continue to grow and meet the target of 2 million MSMEs that have joined,” he affirmed.

Then, Deputy Minister of Industry and Investment Tourism Ministry, Fadjar Hutomo explained, Government Incentive Assistance (BIP) for six creative economic sub-sectors, among others, to help MSMEs in the tourism, culinary, fashion, and applications as well as films, animation and video sectors.

“BIP is a type of assistance in the form of funds/money to increase working capital or investing, in the form of fixed assets in the context of increasing the capacity of MSME businesses and actors. BIP can be submitted by individuals, or small groups as long as the business entity can be submitted. The distribution plan of IDR24 billion, of course this is not too big, but we will prioritize the priority,” he added.

On that occasion, the Governor of North Sumatra Edi Rahmayadi appreciated all forms of support from the central government, according to him the support of the government for the regions was really needed in the current situation.

“We are really very much affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially people who depend on MSME for the tourism sector and the creative economy. We therefore look forward to economic recovery and the presence of tourists, especially at a time like this. My appreciation to all parties, especially Menko Marves who has coordinated all related institutions,” he concluded. [sources/photo special]