INDONESIAN government is planning the tourism sector and the creative economy as the spearhead of economic transformation in 2020-2024.

According to the Expert Staff of the Minister for Socio-Anthropology, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Tukul Rameyo Adi in the virtual meeting of the Optimization of Intellectual Property Facilitation in the Tourism & Creative Economy Sector in the New Normal Order.

“That this tourism & creative economy sector for the next 5 years development plan has been declared as the spearhead of the economic transformation of 2020-2024. In the next five years, our economic growth will no longer be based on raw materials, but will be transformed into added value,” Rameyo said.

As for the added value, Rameyo explained that there are at least two added values ​​that are directly related to the parekraf sector namely the development of leading destinations and the strengthening of the creative economy and digital economy through culinary, fashion, crafts, applications, digital content, games, films, music, and so.

“This is a desire as well as the government’s commitment to make the tourism & creative economy sector the spearhead of economic transformation, so it is no longer based on raw commodity natural resources, but rather becomes an added value,” he noted.

Meanwhile, in relation to the added value itself with intellectual property rights, continued Rameyo, the added value of the tourism & creative economy was very large in the target for the government to make an economic spear, the target was achieved through added value with several targets such as mentoring and incubation, development of a center of excellence, innovation facilities and strengthening brand systems, developing and revitalizing creative spaces/clusters/creative cities and be creative districts, implementing and commercializing intellectual property rights (IPR), and strengthening supply chains and creative business scales.

“In this case, what I have highlighted is IPR. IPR support for the added value of the creative economy is quite high, from 1000 trillion in 2018-2019, there is an additional increase of around 700 trillion in 2024. This is extraordinary and indeed needs collaboration. Even though the target was decided before COVID-19, there is certainly a possibility of being re-evaluated after entering the new normal order,” he stated.

This IPR, he continued that becomes a very important issue that needs to be jointly looking for opportunities or strategies to facilitate both in the form of consultation and commercial itself.

He concluded, why the government had a great desire to make the parekraf sector that could be used as economic growth, according to him this was inseparable and in line with several studies, one of which was about the INDEF University of Indonesia study which said Indonesia’s economic growth in addition to the classical approach would be more secure if supported by a strategy endogenous growth, which is not based on large investments but based on the innovation industry, and not high tech, but creative industries. []