THE Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is developing the potential for wellness tourism or special interest tourism which aims to keep tourists in shape during the adaptation of new habits after the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the Director of Inter-agency Relations at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, K. Candra Negara revealed that wellness tourism has actually begun to be developed by tourism and creative economy actors in Indonesia since 2012. It is assessed that the adaptation period for new habits is the right time to develop the potential for wellness tourism, given the shift in tourism trends from tourism. in large numbers into quality travel trends.

“Wellness tourism is one of the tourism sectors that can develop rapidly during the adaptation of new habits. This wellness tourism has a very close relationship with the shift in tourism trends in the country from mass tourism to quality tourism so that we can adjust to current conditions and create new opportunities,” Candra said.

Candra explained that the Tourism Ministry is currently trying to revive the tourism sector and Indonesia’s creative economy during the adaptation of new habits through the implementation of health protocols based on Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability (CHSE). This application must also be applied in the wellness tourism sector.

“During the pandemic, the main focus for the recovery of the wellness sector was implementing standard procedures to support the new normal protocol, preparing facilities and infrastructure by implementing the CHSE protocol, product marketing strategies and management and improving the quality of human resources in their activities,” he noted.

This is because there are many raw materials needed for wellness tourism products such as spices and medicinal plants to grow and develop in Indonesia. In addition, Indonesia is also rich in diversity of traditional medicines which play a major role in the continuity of wellness tourism.

Meanwhile, according to the Director of Nature, Culture and Artificial Tourism at Tourism Ministry, Alexander Reyaan said that Indonesia has enormous wellness tourism potential. There needs to be a strong synergy between various ministries and institutions with wellness tourism actors so that these tourism activities can run well and smoothly.

“Good inter-institutional relations between Micro small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) actors, in this case wellness tourism with related ministries and institutions can facilitate licensing and the required documents such as the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) permit, halal certificate, etc. can be available. So, this can increase the trust of tourists to try the wellness tour,” Alexander pointed out.

Likewise, the Creative Economy Marketing Director of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Yuana Rochma Astuti, said the Ministry is also drafting regulations to be applied in advancing wellness tourism in the country. Including forming a market for products related to wellnes tourism.

“For digital marketing, we can help through our social media. For product sales, it can be done through existing e-commerce websites,” Yuana concluded. []