PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk targets to be able to achieve half of 2019’s revenue by 2021, although it is admitted that next year’s conditions will still be tough due to the impact of the pandemic that has not yet ended.
According to the President Director of Garuda Indonesia, Irfan Setiaputra, in a virtual press conference, recently said that we hope that in total (as a whole), we can achieve revenue in 2021 of 50 percent from 2019 conditions. That is our promise to the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises that 2021, revenue our (income) will be 50% compared to 2019. It will be tough.
“The performance improvement target is in line with the growth trend in the number of passengers and the increase in the company’s two businesses, namely cargo and aircraft charters. Even though he is quite optimistic, he said the biggest challenge in meeting these targets is Hajj and Umrah flights, which are the biggest contributors to 2019’s performance,” he said.
He explained, as it is known, we get quite large revenue from Hajj and Umrah. But even if it’s a bit limited, we have to find new ways to ensure the income we can earn is what we promised.
“Especially for cargo and aircraft charters, Irfan explained that the growth of the two business lines shows a much better increase compared to the period before the pandemic. Next year, the company will also provide a special freighter aircraft that only transports cargo, without passengers, so the cargo capacity to be transported will be bigger,” Irfan noted.
He added that currently Garuda Indonesia has a special flight route to transport export commodities with the Denpasar-Hong Kong, Denpasar-Singapore and Manado-Narita routes.
In addition, Garuda Indonesia’s subsidiaries also continue to focus on expanding their business. PT GMF AeroAsia Tbk, called Irfan, will develop hangar services in Denpasar to exploit the potential of the eastern Indonesian market.
Meanwhile, the low-cost airline subsidiary of Garuda Indonesia, Citilink, is said to be focused on optimizing the domestic aviation market which can open up access to new economic areas.
“Likewise Aerofood, under Aerowisata, currently also continues to strengthen its business focus on the retail and industrial catering sectors,” Irfan concluded. [antaranews/photo special]