THE Indonesia’s Ministry of Transportation has suspended flight route permits for several airlines that have violated the application of lower limit rates (TBB) in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Transportation No. 106/2019 concerning the Upper Limit Rate (TBA) for Passengers of Economy Class Domestic Scheduled Commercial Air Transport.

According to the Director General of Air Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation, Novie Riyanto, he will take firm action against flight operators who sell tickets less than TBB or exceed TBA. The flight route permit suspension was imposed on several airlines serving the routes of Jakarta (CGK)-Palembang (PLM), Jakarta (CGK)-Pontianak (PNK) and Jakarta (CGK)-Lombok (LOP).

“We will take firm action against airlines that violate the rules that have been set, all flight operators are obliged to comply with flight rules related to TBB and TBA, because these regulations are guidelines for airline operators in selling tickets,” Novie said in a press release.

Director General Novie added that Kepmenhub No. 106/2019 concerning the Upper Limit for Passengers on Economy Class Services for Domestic Scheduled Commercial Transport is a guideline for determining ticket rates for flight operators which aim to avoid unfair competition between flight operators and also pay attention to consumer protection.

“From the results of supervision by the air transport flight inspector in the field, there were several violations committed by a number of flight operators, such as selling ticket prices that did not comply with the stipulated provisions,” he said.

He added that in accordance with Permenhub No. 78/2017, the airline will be given administrative sanctions in the form of Freezing Flight Route Permits which are valid for seven days. [photo special]