FREE of COVID-19 is the main requirement for travelers to travel, and almost all countries or regions apply this requirement. This condition made the vaccine passport idea necessary.
Reporting from Bloomberg, there are a number of private companies, organizations and governments that support or try to make a vaccine passport that can be used when someone travels to a place.
With financial support from Innovate UK, technology companies Mvine and iProov have started direct testing of immunity passports and COVID-19 vaccinations designed to be compatible with the UK’s tiered approach to managing the health crisis.
In this regard, the World Economic Forum and the Commons Project, together with the Rockefeller Foundation, revealed that they have brought together more than 350 public and private sector leaders from 52 countries to create a technology platform called CommonPass.
The platform aims to provide people with a safe and verifiable way to document their health status while traveling and across borders. Vaccine passports or certificates can be used as a way to loosen current regulations that prohibit certain travelers, require arriving passengers to have negative results when tested and force quarantine at their destination.
Meanwhile, passport vaccines also mean blocking the majority of people’s travel in the world because many people in the world do not have access to the COVID-19 vaccine. Some worry that these passports could create a vaccinated global elite while exacerbating inequality and creating an underclass who can be denied services and prevented from crossing borders.
The virus has been shown to affect people of color disproportionately in developed countries and people in developing countries who work without formal contracts. Some academics have even argued that vaccine passports risk exacerbating discrimination based on race, nationality, or access to smartphones.
The idea of making a vaccine passport departed from the current condition, namely that many countries and airlines need proof that international travelers are not infected with COVID-19. However, the rules regarding this vary from place to place.
Not only that, so far there is no systematic requirement to be vaccinated. The idea of a vaccine passport is to make an updated version of what is called a yellow card or better known as a vaccination certificate or International Prophylaxis. This yellow card is a card approved by the World Health Organization (WHO), which documents past inoculations of individuals.
Given the prevalence, transmission and destruction of COVID-19, many are suggesting the need for more modern, digital and safe recording. Ideally, this documentation will provide proof of vaccination status and document up-to-date test results, and can confirm borders and protect fellow travelers.
Margaret Harris, spokesperson for the WHO, said that the request for free evidence of COVID-19 in paper form had made the vaccine certificate faked. [ special]