A PROPERTY tech start-up, PT Bobobox Mitra Indonesia, recently officially opened its newest business line, Bobocabin for the public, namely Bobocabin. Bobocabin is the newest accommodation product from Bobobox with the concept of elevated camping. combining the use of internet of things (IoT) technology and the beauty of the natural surroundings.

According to Bobobox CEO and Co-Founder Indra Gunawan, in his official press release, he said that this is the third product that has been launched by Bobobox since its inception in 2017. The first product and at the same time Bobobox’s flagship product is a capsule hotel. Then the co-living (Boboliving) accommodation product in December last year.

“We also want to remain a reliable rest solution for the community by offering a new way to enjoy leisure time. That is to unite ourselves with nature, but still in a safe way with the support of reliable designs and technology,” Indra Gunawan said.

He explained that in the initial stage, Bobocabin would be available in two areas in Bandung, namely Rancaupas and Cikole by utilizing Perhutani’s land. Bobocabin will utilize 1.26 hectares (ha) of land in Wana Wisata Ranca Upas, South Bandung, and 1 hectare in Green Grass Cikole, North Bandung, which has been managed by Perhutani.

“So far, Bobobox has implemented contactless experience with the support of IoT technology for capsule hotel product operations. This will also be applied to cabin operations. One of them is by using the QR code feature to open the door. Bobocabin is offered with a price range of IDR450,000 to IDR500,000 a day,” he concluded. [photo special]