IN the world of philosophy, we are familiar with the concept of tesa anti-synthesis. This concept is also known as Hegel’s dialectic, referring to the name of its founder, namely Friedrich Hegel. In this theory, there are two things that are contradicted, to be reconciled. Tesa and anti-thesis are two contradictory things, and synthesis is the result of reconciliation between the two. Thus, dialectics can be interpreted as a dynamic movement towards a change.

From the perspective of change management, tesa can be interpreted as the current condition, aka the status quo. Meanwhile, the antithesis is a completely different condition, which is 180 degrees opposite to the status quo condition.

Meanwhile, the synthesis is the result of the reconciliation of the two, which is marked by the existence of an updated condition. Until the end of the 20th century, the definition of the word work was carrying out productive actions in a certain place (whether it’s an office, factory, shop, etc. 17 pm). I call this work model as conventional work.

However, the development of digital technology and the emergence of the millennial generation have given rise to the antithesis of this work approach. Titled the Industry 4.0 era, the meaning of work appears which is completely opposite to the concept of working in a certain place and at a certain time. On the other hand, for them, work can be anywhere and at any time. Cool language, work from anywhere & at anytime. I refer to the latter as digital-work.

So far, the dialectic between conventional work and digital work has been intense. There are companies that are trying to try and partially succeed in adopting the concept of digital work, but more are stuck and stick with conventional work practices.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic has become a game changer that forces all parties to change. Due to the physical distancing policy, there is no other choice but to move from work from office practices to work from home. This also implies a shift from work at office hours to work at anytime, because people are required to work flexible hours.

Currently, towards the end of the pandemic, some policy makers are starting to think about the synthesis between conventional work and digital work.

Synthesis that can bring benefits and reduce harm from both approaches optimally. Many call it a hybrid model, which of course still requires careful study in the implementation process in the future.

A professor in management from the London Business School, Lynda Gratton, in her article entitled ‘How to Do Hybrid Right’ (HBR, May-June 2021), reminded several important things that must be considered when implementing a hybrid model in their respective places.

First, the type of work. There are certain jobs that naturally can be done from anywhere and at any time, such as sales and marketing functions. However, on the other hand, there are also jobs that can only be done in certain places and at certain times, such as work in the production department of a manufacturing company.

Second, worker preferences. There are certain workers, who because they have adequate work facilities and technology, enable them to work productively wherever they are. On the other hand, there are certain workers who, due to limited facilities and technology (such as a narrow living space and poor internet connection), will feel more comfortable and productive when working in the office.

Third, workflow or SOP (standard operating procedure). Usually, the workflow is organized according to the choice of approach we take. The conventional work approach will have a workflow that tends to be manual, while the digital work approach will have a workflow that relies on systems and technology.

Wouldn’t it be ridiculous and inefficient, if a company declared an on-line approval policy, while the SOP still demands a wet signature as a form of approval from the incumbent.

Finally, Lynda Gratton reminded the importance of feeling fairness (fairness) among workers when implementing the hybrid model. Do not let any function feel unfairly treated with this policy.

Involving employees across levels and functions from the outset in policy formulation, will help reduce these feelings of injustice. In fact, it can increase their engagement. [ special]