ANGKLUNG creative music that is produced from playing traditional musical instruments that are widely developed in the mainland of Sunda (West Java), is said to be able to motivate a person’s desire to work.

“This angklung is complete, can be entertainment and can be a show. Someone will be easier to receive messages when they hear music that makes them comfortable while studying, for example,” said angklung motivator Joko Angklung Nugroho in his statement, Saturday (6/19).

He gave an example, angklung creative music is very effective to be given during breaks or even become one of the contents of the event in training or workshops with heavy material.

For example, what is being carried out in debriefing for central work introduction officers who are tasked with carrying out inter-work service activities, including presenting data on inter-work services and supporting data.

In the three-day briefing in Bogor, motivational angklung media was given as a pause in delivering serious material.

“Activities that tend to ‘play’ eliminates the impression of being lectured let alone being taught. This training feels like entertainment or is even considered a performance. This impression does not reduce the weight of the training, but adds value because the participants are comfortable while the messages and content of the material are still conveyed effectively,” he said.

With this motivational angklung media, it is hoped that it can show that work harmony can be created when all participants know what their role is in each work unit.

“Equally important, change leaders must know to direct everyone so that harmony can be created,” said Joko in his motivation.

“Motivated angklung will also be more effective if coupled with other sessions such as cooking and sports as complementary activities. In every work team, harmonious, rhythmic and balanced cooperation is needed. Now, by cooking, the participants’ ability to work together can be known,” he concluded. [antaranews/photo special]