THE INDONESIA’S Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy encourages tourism and creative economy (Parekraf) players to take advantage of digital platforms to seize opportunities that exist during the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno in his press statement said the COVID-19 pandemic has spurred the acceleration of the digitalization process, so that various opportunities emerge that will lead us to be winners.
“Based on the We Are Social survey in April 2021, it was stated that around 88.1% of internet users in Indonesia use electronic commerce (e-commerce) services to shop for products. This is the highest percentage in the world, so that product development and human resources in the tourism and creative economy can be utilized through digitalization,” he said.
Sandiaga explained that there are three sub-sectors that have a major contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Indonesia’s creative economy, namely, culinary at 41.5%, fashion at 17.7% and crafts at 15%.
Therefore, he said that Tourism Ministry is committed to creating a creative economy locomotive that opens up the widest possible employment opportunities. Such as encouraging tourism & creative economy actors to innovate, adapt, and collaborate through a number of programs such as #BeliKreatifLokal, Mandiri Digital Entrepreneur (Widuri) Creative Economy and Tourism & Creative Economy Digital Talent Agency.
“Therefore, MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) which are the backbone of Indonesia must be able to answer the challenges and independence during the pandemic. In 2021, it is said that the contribution of MSMEs to the Indonesian economy has reached 62.3% and in the trajectory towards 2025 it can be reached 65%,” he finished. []