ALONG with the development of tourism in a new era that is moving towards quality and sustainability, tourism villages have an important role in generating tourism and the creative economy in Indonesia.

This is because there is a lot of potential that can be developed from a village, based on the character and potential of each. Currently, Indonesia has hundreds of tourism villages. There are even some who have gone global, so visiting a tourist village is not only a new experience but also very exciting.

As one of the world’s cultural heritages recognized by UNESCO, Borobudur Temple has a special place to become a mainstay tourist destination in Central Java. Not only about the magnificent temple structure with amazing reliefs, in the Borobudur Temple area also has attractions that are no less interesting, namely tourist villages.

There are also tourist villages around Borobudur Temple that are certified as sustainable tourism villages, and have Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environment Sustainability (CHSE) certifications. This certification is given by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency.

This tourism village is a potential that needs to be developed and empowered to improve the welfare of rural communities so that they have competitiveness and become a locomotive for economic revival in the tourism sector in the midst of a pandemic.

By pocketing this sustainable tourism village certification and CHSE certification, you will feel safer and more comfortable during your trip. So, if you go to Borobudur Temple, don’t miss the following tourist villages:

Candirejo Tourism Village
Candirejo Tourism Village is located in Sangen, Candirejo, Borobudur, Magelang. In this village, you can enjoy a typical village atmosphere with a thick Javanese tradition. Activities in this tourist village consist of 3 types, namely cultural tourism, agro-tourism, and nature tourism.

There are various historical sites in Candirejo Tourism Village such as Toyo Asin, Watu Tumbak, Watu Kendil, Tempuran Kali Progo, and Pabelan. You can also get around the village on foot, rent an onthel bike or ride a wagon.

Karangrejo Tourism Village
Karangrejo Tourism Village has been known as one of the locations to enjoy the moment of sunrise thanks to the existence of Punthuk Setumbu. From Punthuk Setumbu, you can see Borobudur Temple from a distance as well as the majesty of Mount Merapi.

Not only that, the Karangrejo Tourism Village also completes its attractions with several unique tour packages such as farming in the fields, to traveling through the village using typical vehicles, namely horse carts and onthel bicycles.

Through tourism village-based ecotourism, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy together with the community seeks to find a balance of economic benefits and the preservation of natural culture around the village.

Here are also some tourism villages that you can stop by while in Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) and Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT):

Penglipuran Village, Bali
Bali is known as a natural tourist destination with a strong cultural nuance. If you want to get a different Balinese charm, try visiting Penglipuran Village. The atmosphere is cool and very beautiful, making this village crowned as one of the cleanest villages in the world.

Sasak Sade Village, West Nusa Tenggara
Thatched roofs and bamboo walls are the hallmark of Sasak Sade Village, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Here we can enjoy cultural attractions, from dance to the unique concept of the house. It should not be missed either, to see firsthand the process of weaving Lombok’s typical Sasak woven fabric.

Liang Ndara Tourism Village, East Nusa Tenggara
Flores is not only known for its charming nature but also for its rich culture, one of which is dance. This tourism village is the only place for tourists who want to see Caci Dance. In addition, the weaving culture from generation to generation is still maintained through the colorful flores weaving made by the women of Liang Ndara Village.

Even though we are in a friendly tourist village with open air, we must remain disciplined in complying with health protocols by using masks, maintaining distance, and washing hands so that we remain safe and comfortable when traveling.

In order to get to know the creative economy products that can be obtained from a visit to a tourist village, let’s look at the following reviews:

Traditional cloth or wastra is one of Indonesia’s wealth which can also be found in tourist villages. When visiting Lumban Bulbul Tourism Village in Toba, North Sumatra Province, it is advisable not to miss hunting for the charming and elegant Toba ulos.

The culinary thing in Indonesia is an adventure that will never end. When visiting an area, we are sure to be treated to a variety of food and drink menus. For example, when visiting the Penglipuran Tourism Village in Bangli, Bali Province, try its special culinary delights, namely loloh cemcem and sueg. Guaranteed you will be lulled by its distinctive taste.

The uniqueness in each region is not only limited to literature and culinary arts, handicrafts are also a product of the creative economy that is appropriate to be used as souvenirs. If you want something different, try visiting the Karangrejo Tourism Village in Magelang, Central Java Province, to hunt for stone carving crafts typical of the Borobudur area. The exoticism of this product will make anyone amazed when they see it.

But there are things that must be considered when buying creative economy products in tourist villages, namely never to ignore health protocols. Starting from wearing masks, maintaining distance, and washing hands with soap. []