A NUMBER of airlines apparently facilitate Unaccompanied Minor (UM) or unaccompanied child passengers during the trip. So far, not many people know that underage children can travel without their parents.

So, what if you are also faced with the condition of not being able to travel with your child, and you are forced to let your child fly alone on the plane? The regulation that regulates those children can board the plane alone without an escort is regulated in the Minister of Transportation Regulation (PMP) No.185/2015.

The regulation states that unaccompanied children can be transported up to 10% of the total aircraft capacity used per flight. The age of children who are allowed to fly unaccompanied are those aged 6-12 years.

The obligations of airlines that provide services for unaccompanied children are obligated to: Provide officers who handle unaccompanied minors (UM) in the pre-flight, in-flight, and post flight processes, including transit or transfer.

Make minutes of the handover from the family who drove to the officer, and from the officer to the family who picked up. Make minutes of handover between officers at each service point. Provide UM labeling on unaccompanied child passengers and on cabin and checked baggage.

Later on, when on the plane they will get priority seats in the row or the front row. After that, when the plane lands, the crew will take the child to the ground officer, then the child will be escorted to the pickup according to the identity listed.

Children must be next to someone who accompanies them while traveling. Meanwhile, children aged between 12 to 16 years and under on the day of departure will be considered as Young Passengers Traveling Alone (YPTA).

Where they are not allowed to sit in the emergency exit row. Also, children will be accepted in carriage only after the parent or guardian signs the Release and Indemnity Form for Acceptance of YPTA (available at the check-in counter).

However, of course the parent or guardian must remain at the airport until the flight departs. This is to ensure that the child is not left unattended in the event of a flight delay or cancellation. As well as pre-boarding or meet-and-assist services will be provided. [sources/photo special]