PT GARUDA Indonesia Tbk appealed to creditors to optimize the registration period for business obligations during the temporary suspension of debt payment obligations (PKPU) whose deadline will last until January 5, 2022.

“This is in line with the company’s commitment to intensify communication with creditors in each stage of the PKPU process which is currently underway,” said Garuda Indonesia President Director Irfan Setiaputra in a statement monitored in Jakarta, Tuesday (1/04).

Irfan said the administrative registration process was in the form of billing registered business obligations and the inclusion of supporting documents at the PKPU stage, while this will be followed by a pre-verification process which will take place from January 6 to January 18, 2022.

“We certainly hope that this registration period for creditors can be utilized as well as possible by business partners who have a registered business obligation bill to Garuda Indonesia, so that they can actively participate and use their voting rights on the peace proposal submitted by Garuda Indonesia,” he remarked.

According to Irfan, so far Garuda has received a positive and conducive response from many business partners. This is certainly expected to continue in the voting process later which is an essential aspect in the temporary PKPU stage.

“By maximizing this registration period for creditors, we hope that the Temporary PKPU stage can take place optimally, efficiently, and fairly for all parties, of course, by always prioritizing the principles of transparency and accountability in each mechanism,” he noted.

Registration can be done in person or online, through the website or submitted directly to the Management Team. Further information regarding the stages of the Garuda Indonesia PKPU process can be accessed through

“During the PKPU process, Garuda ensures that all flight services including passenger services, cargo and aircraft maintenance continue to operate normally,” he concluded. [antaranews/photo special]