INDONESIAN Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno has threatened to take firm action against the alleged perpetrators of fraudulent PCR tests at a hotel in Jakarta.

Based on a complaint from a tourist from Ukraine, Sandiaga received a report that the tourist and daughter were planning to vacation in Bali, but had problems because their PCR results were positive on the last day of quarantine at the hotel.

“Directly, they asked for help so they could do a PCR test again because they believed that the results were wrong (feeling that they did not have COVID-19 symptoms). Apart from that, of course, it will cost even more,” he said on his official Instagram page @sandiuno on Saturday (29/1) quoted in Jakarta, Sunday (1/30).

After trying to ask to be retested, they were not allowed to carry out tests other than those provided by the quarantine officer at the hotel. Instead, they were given an offer to extend the quarantine period at a large cost so that the Ukrainian tourist felt cheated.

As a form of fast movement, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is said to be trying to bring justice as well as comfort for tourists.

“Don’t let tourists bring a negative impression because this will certainly tarnish tourism and the good name of Indonesia,” said Minister Sandiaga Uno.

After the tourists were given assistance by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, he continued, the problem was quickly resolved because a PCR test was carried out and the results were negative. Currently, they are said to be enjoying a tourism trip in Bali.

“I hope that in the future there will be no more tourists who have an unpleasant experience. I will not hesitate to take firm action against people who try to take advantage but tarnish Indonesia’s good name,” Sandiaga concluded. [antaranews/photo special]