PELITA AIR will be launched in 2022 with the category of medium standard flight services (medium services).

According to the President Director of PT Aviasi Wisata Indonesia or InJourney, Dony Oskaria said we hope this will fill the void in the number of airlines or the number of planes that will connect (build connectivity) Indonesia after the COVID-19 pandemic (which has caused many airlines) to experience turbulence.

“With the presence of Pelita Air, it is also hoped that it will not interfere with the amount of traffic/airline traffic, connectivity, and the world of Indonesian tourism. In the InJourney strategy program for 2022-2024, the launch of Pelita Air is included in one of the sub-clusters and is a key initiative of the State-Owned Enterprises company,” he said.

In addition to launching Pelita Air, he stated that the government will also carry out an airport restructuring process that is focused on becoming a service company. This is intended so that Indonesia has a world-class airport manager.

“So as a service-based company, we encourage the quality of airport services. The Mandala party will also carry out the airport retail repair process, among others related to the tenant mix (business mix to improve building performance/performance as well as each tenant) and the number of passenger traffic,” he said.

This is expected to make the airport not only as a terminal for departures and arrivals, but also into a destination that has an attraction that makes anyone feel at home transacting at the airport.

“Especially for Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali, a change process will be carried out to welcome the G20 Summit by highlighting the impression of being Indonesian,” he said.

InJourney is a mega ecosystem because there are various interconnected sectors in one ecosystem consisting of, among others, state-owned airlines, hotels, to state-owned aviation. [antaranews/photo special]