THE BOROBUDUR Authority Agency (BOB) said that the physical construction of the Borobudur Highland tourist area will begin in 2023. This tourist area will later span across three regencies in DIY and Central Java, namely Kulon Progo, Purworejo and Magelang Regencies.

“The right to manage 50 hectares of land for the utilization of the area has been issued, so in 2023 the construction will begin in parallel,” said the Daily Executive Director of the Borobudur Authority Agency, Agustin Warinangin, recently.

Agustin said Borobudur Highland is one of the four leading programs for tourism destinations in 2023 which were compiled by BOB as an organization under the Ministry of Tourism. The tourist area will later become a vehicle for the development of various tourist attractions and event centers.

“One of the events whose infrastructure will be built in the area starting in 2023 is a facility for cycling between trees or tree top cycling,” said Agustin.

No kidding, the tree-top cycling arena built in the Menoreh hill area will be quite long, namely three kilometers. With this vehicle, tourists can experience a new sensation of cycling, namely seeing the Menoreh hill area from the top of the path made from tree to tree.

“The tree top cycling route has a circular shape. The preparation of the area for the tree top bicycle event attraction will complement several events that have previously been tested by BOB in the area, such as Forest Run 2022 and Highland XC Challenge. In the Borobudur Highland area, we are also preparing infrastructure for rides. story telling, tourism facilities and the creative economy as well as millennial amenities,” Agustin remarked.

According to Agustin, infrastructure development has actually been initiated but it is more about preparing road access, not the main physical infrastructure. The access prepared is access from Plono Market to Nglinggo which is in Samigaluh, Kulon Progo Regency.

“The access road that we have prepared there is six meters wide. Our party is targeting the number of tourist movements to the three Borobudur tourism areas during 2023 to reach 277.8 million people, especially to destinations in Central Java and DIY,” she concluded. [sources/photo special] ]