THE CAPITAL of Italy, Rome, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world with historical icons such as the Colosseum and the Trevi Fountain. Not to mention the variety of delicious typical food.

But as with any place with a large travel industry, tourists making mistakes are commonplace and locals have witnessed this a lot. Here’s what locals say, from natives to migrants, who commonly witness these mistakes as well as the most common types of mistakes, as reported by HuffPost.

Free drinking water in Rome, no need to buy. There are 90 water fountains in the historical center which are commonly called nasoni and can be drunk for free. The most famous of these is the fountain carved on the wall of Via della Fontanella in Borghese.

Too many goals
There are too many tourist destinations in Rome but don’t try to reach them in a day. Plan 1-2 activities a day.

Order cappuccino at the wrong time
Cappuccino is only available at breakfast. So don’t even try to order it at lunch or dinner. Unlike the case with espresso which is available at any time.

Ignore hot weather
Remember, there are no shelters in the Colosseum or all the way to the Pantheon and the Vatican Museums. So, don’t forget to bring an umbrella if you are traveling in the summer.

Presume Italian food is the same
Italian food is diverse and each region has its own specialties. There is no risotto in Rome but this dish can be found in Milan. Lunch time is between 13.00-15.00 and dinner is never before 20.00.

Visit when it’s crowded
Summer is the time that tourists choose to come to Rome because it coincides with school holidays. But at that time it was peak season which was crowded with visitors. Not to mention the air temperature which can reach 40 degrees Celsius. If you don’t want to come in winter, try to choose late spring like April and May.

Only a while
Two days in Rome will not be enough. Set aside at least a week to explore this historic city. [sources/photo special]