ICELAND is a country located in the western European sea and north of the Atlantic Ocean. Launching Britannica, this country has a geological border that is always active with North America. Iceland has a capital city called Reykjavik; a place known as Iceland’s first agricultural land. Apart from that, Reykjavik is also a growing city in various aspects.

The country has 332,529 citizens and has an area of 103,000 square kilometers. The length of its territory makes Iceland known as a country in Europe that has the sparse population. Even though its population is classified as very sparse, Iceland is the largest island in the world, ranking 18th. Then, this country is also Europe’s second largest island after England.

Iceland is a country that adheres to the oldest democratic system in the world. However, this country is capable of modern development in all fields. Even though they have lived in modern times, Iceland still preserves their customs and culture. For example, many citizens still believe in trolls, elves, and past myths.

When viewed from a geological perspective, Iceland is known for having lots of geysers and geysers. Then, this country makes a lot of use of waterfalls and river water as a hydroelectric power plant. As a result, many residents have access to electricity, heating, and hot water at low prices.

3 Unique Things to Do in Iceland:
1. Visit the Vatnajökull National Park
Vatnajökull National Park is one of three national parks in Iceland. This tourist spot will spoil the eyes of visitors with the largest glacier in Europe and the surrounding area. While in this place, visitors can see a variety of mountain views, glacial ice, rivers, and thermal activity.

2. Chasing Aurora
Aurora is a natural phenomenon that emits light that illuminates the night sky. Iceland is one of the places to see the aurora. Usually, the best time to see the aurora is September and April. Tourists visiting Iceland are usually willing to wait in one place to see the aurora. Take from Activity Iceland, the recommended places to see the aurora, namely Reykjavik, the highlands in Kerlingarfjöll, and Thingvellir National Park.

3. Sightseeing in the City of Hafnarfjörður
Hafnarfjörður is a city located in western Iceland and has a population of 21,190. This city can be a list of visits when in Iceland. Because Hafnarfjörður often holds music festivals to Viking celebrations. In addition, visitors can also be satisfied shopping on the city’s main street, Strandgata which provides fashion, book, and gift shops. In addition, this place also has interesting restaurants and cafes. [sources/photo special]