THE TEBARA Tourism Village in West Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) was the last village to be visited by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy as the top 75 selected tourist villages in the 2023 Indonesian Tourism Village Award (ADWI).

During the Tebara Village visitation, Sunday (8/13), 2023, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno admitted that he was very amazed by the diversity of customs and culture that was still so thick, which could be seen and felt in the traditional villages in the village.

“This village is based on culture and customs, and the local language that they have preserved. I feel that this is what will bring Indonesia to world-class tourism. It is not Indonesia that builds villages, but villages that bestow progress for Indonesia,” said Sandiaga.

Tebara Tourism Village is located in Waikabubak City District, West Sumba Regency, NTT Province. This village is unique with its megalithic cultural traditional traditional village, with traditional houses with tower roofs soaring high into the sky and horns divided into three levels. These traditional houses stand firmly on high hills.

In addition, this tourist village has megalithic cultural relics (large tomb stones and sarcophagi). The concept of the Megalithic Grave Stone symbolizes a boat sailing to the spirit world.

According to the Menparekraf, culinary in the Tebara Tourism Village has a delicious and unique taste. One of the special foods is ro’o luwa. Ro’o luwa is a kind of porridge whose main ingredient is sweet potato or cassava leaves. Its appearance is in the form of green pulp with a sweet and distinctive taste.

There is also rumpu tampe which is made from papaya leaves and is usually stir-fried with young papaya flowers, cassava leaves or banana heart.

“The heart of banana, papaya flower, and long bean called rumpu rampe is very delicious, and there is also ro’o luwa with a unique taste. I hope this tourist village can help achieve 4.4 new, quality jobs in 2024,” he remarked.

Sandiaga explained, this is the ultimate program of a tourism village where we have visited 75 of these villages throughout the archipelago. And we see the enthusiasm of the people in welcoming our economic revival, hopefully this Tebara Tourism Village will bring a burning enthusiasm for tourism, thus creating 4.4 new quality jobs. []