THE DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) implemented a work from home (WFH) policy with a capacity of 50% for state civil servants (ASN) and distance learning (PJJ) from August 28 to September 7.

According to the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono at the DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (8/15), 2023, said the WFH and PJJ policies were in line with the holding of the 43rd ASEAN Summit. Especially for the Summit we will start, for Jakarta, I ask the Regional Secretary to start trials on August 28 for entry (WFH and WFO), namely 50-50%

Apart from WFH, the DKI Provincial Government is also implementing distance learning (PJJ) for students who attend school in the Capital City, namely 50% of PJJ and 50% of which take offline learning at school.

“Related to the ASEAN Summit, DKI Regional Government employees will have WFH and WFO 50%-50%. Schools will be the same. Meanwhile, for private employees, the WFH policy is only an appeal,” said Heru.

Previously, Heru said the implementation of the work from home policy during the 43rd Asean Summit for private employees depended on the policy of the company owner.

“Later on the appeal from the private sector, please ask the owners (companies) of each (the one who decides),” said Heru when confirmed in Jakarta.

4 in 1
Meanwhile, to reduce air pollution, DKI Jakarta Pemprov is studying the effectiveness of the “4 in 1” system which is expected to reduce the number of cars passing through Jabodetabek.

“Yes, (the 4 in 1 proposal) will be discussed later, in about two weeks (the discussion will be held),” said Heru.

He admitted that he did not know for sure whether the application of the “4 in 1” system would be effective in reducing pollution in Jabodetabek, especially DKI Jakarta. It’s still being discussed, I can’t (provide) details like .

The discussion is considering that the 50% biggest contributor, which results in poor air quality in Jakarta, is pollution from transportation. If you do the math, 50% is contributed by pollution from transportation.

As an effort to improve air quality in Jakarta, Heru appealed to residents of Jakarta and its surroundings to switch from private vehicles to public transportation such as KRL, TransJakarta, MRT Jakarta and LRT Jakarta.

Previously, the government considered implementing a “4 in 1” system for cars passing through Greater Jakarta to reduce air pollution which in recent days has continued to worsen.

“Considered to make the ‘3 in 1’ into ‘4 in 1’. So let’s say those from Bekasi, Tangerang and Depok, they go together to the car exchange office so that the number decreases,” said Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi after a limited meeting chaired by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) regarding air pollution at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Monday ( 14/8/2023).

Budi said the consideration for implementing “4 in 1” was because the utility rate of vehicles in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi (Jabodetabek) was only used by one or two people per vehicle. This makes the number of vehicles higher thereby increasing the amount of exhaust emissions into the air. [sources/photo special]