THE HOLDING of the 1st Tlilir Art and Culture Festival event organized by Heavenly Indonesia, the Tlilir Village Government and Travelita, Temanggung Tourism Activists has the fully support of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

The event which will take place on September 1-3, 2023 in Tlilir Village, Kec. Tlogomulyo, Kab. Temanggung, Central Java, has the theme ‘From Village to The World’ with a view of Mount Sumbing as a background.

According to Sandiaga Uno, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy in The Weekly Press Briefing at the Sapta Pesona Building, Jakarta, Monday (8/21), 2023, said we support the holding of the ‘1st Tlilir Art & Culture Festival’, which is a hallmark event-based tourism and community driven.

The Tlilir Art & Culture Festival event narrates ‘Tlilir: Tobacco, Tradition and Destiny’, and campaigns for ‘Sustainability & Eco-Friendly Event’. Where in organizing this event entirely using material from bamboo.

“We really support and will help promote, and hopefully this is the first and will continue to increase in the coming years,” said Sandiaga Uno.

Meanwhile Ridlo Amiruddin, Director of Digra Harsa Mandiri, representing Heavenly Indonesia, one of the initiators of the 1st Tlilir Art and Culture Festival, said that there would be several supporting events in this first year’s event.

“Tlilir Art and Culture Festival will present ethnic music concerts with line ups; Irene Ghea x Arlida Putri, Sinten Remen Orchestra, and Jogja Hip Hop Foundation. There was also an outdoor fashion show from national and local fashion designers with the theme of ordinary traveling, with the peak of Mount Sumbing in the background,” said Ridlo.

He explained, then we will also present a Musical Drama involving local residents ranging from students to parents. No less interesting is the Lumping Horse Festival, as well as the UMKM Festival which presents Temanggung culinary specialties, handicraft products from tobacco and fashion.

What’s interesting about this hallmark event is that it was held from the best tobacco-producing village in the world with the name Srintil Tobacco. Then it is held under the slopes of Mount Sumbing, above an altitude of 1,100 meters above sea level, and the venue for it is on the roofs of residents’ houses.

“We bring the atmosphere of Santorini from the height of the slopes of Mount Sumbing for all tourists. So, we will see you at the 1st Tlilir Art & Culture Festival, from Village to The World,” Ridlo concluded. []