THE beauty of the East Nusa Tenggara tourist destinations is no longer a secret. This hidden paradise in eastern Indonesia is a complete tourist destination and must be visited.

East Nusa Tenggara not only offers perfect natural views, but is also a place full of Indonesian history. In addition, September to mid-November is said to be the best time for marine tourism in Flores such as diving and snorkeling because at that time the waves in the Labuan Bajo sea are generally quite gentle. The following are recommendations for interesting tourist attractions in East Nusa Tenggara that you can visit during your holidays.

1. Indonesian Vatican at the eastern tip of Flores, Larantuka
Enjoy nature tourism with smooth roads that comb the shoreline as well as religious tourism in Larantuka, which is known as the “Vatican of Indonesia”. In the past, Larantuka was the only Catholic kingdom in Indonesia and was known as the city of 1000 chapels, starting from Tuan Ma Chapel, Tuan Ana Chapel, Fatima Hill Cathedral, and Reinha Rosari Cathedral.

The Holy Week tradition called Semana Santa has become a special icon of Larantuka. This tradition is a celebration of Semana Santa which will finally be implemented in 2023 and opened to the public. This was done after Larantuka Diocese announced that the Easter procession was open to all pilgrims regardless of ethnicity, religion, race and culture.

Meanwhile, a visit to East Flores won’t be complete if you don’t visit the Lewokluok Tourism Village. Here, visitors can see the Linolina weaving studio with its respective weaving houses which are spread across every RT in the village. Apart from that, visitors can also sample local specialties, such as sweet potatoes, bananas, tamarind seeds and others, which are processed into snacks.

2. Flores ikat weaving straight from the hands of weavers in Maumere
Apart from being part of the livelihoods of women in Maumere, weaving is also part of the clothing worn daily by the people in Maumere. Sikka Village is one of the weaving production centers in Maumere.

Ikat weaving itself is unique because all the craftsmen use natural dyes to produce their woven fabrics. In fact, the Watublapi weaving from the village of Watublapi, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), belonging to the Watubo Weaving Group, was one of the most popular works by delegates to the 2018 IMF-World Bank Meeting in Bali at that time.

Apart from Sikka Village and Watublopi Village, visitors can also go to the location of preserving NTT’s typical ikat weaving culture at the Lepo Lorun Weaving House. Here, visitors can witness the empowerment of Flores women to provide education in making ikat weaving typical of the Flores region.

3. The sunrise at the peak of Kelimutu
While visiting Ende, one of the tourist destinations that must be visited is Mount Kelimutu, which is a volcano in Pemo Village, Ende Regency because it has an impressive view. Mount Kelimutu has three lakes known as the Three Color Lakes with different colors, namely red, blue and white.

Interestingly, these colors will continue to change over time. While there, don’t forget to take the time to see the view of the sunrise at the top of Kelimutu and feel an experience that soothes the eyes and heart.

Apart from natural beauty, a trip to Ende is also full of historical stories because Ende is known as the city of Pancasila. Here, there is a historical place with the name Soekarno Site and you can see first hand the place where the Indonesian Proclaimer contemplated the basis of the Indonesian state or Pancasila. Apart from that, the site also shows Soekarno’s childhood home, his book collections, and Indonesia’s long journey as an independent country.

4. Enjoy a variety of cultural attractions in the heart of Flores Island
If you want to experience the serenity of nature, explore rich culture and interact with local people, Nagekeo is the perfect place to stay. With natural wonders and cultural charm awaiting, visitors will enjoy a memorable and unforgettable adventure trail.

While in Nagakeo, visitors can go to Kampung Kawa and it is located in the western part of Labolewa Village or 15 km from Mbay City, the capital of Nagekeo Regency. Here, there is a Kawa village settlement which is inhabited by indigenous people and is still steeped in tradition, so it is very suitable for those who want to learn the unique culture of NTT, and experience a moment to live like a local.

5. Wolobobo Hill with the charm of a country above the clouds
Apart from Kelimutu Peak as the best place to see the sunrise, Flores also has another natural tourist object to enjoy the sunset called Wolobobo Hill. Located in Turekisa Village, Ngada Regency, here visitors can enjoy the view of the sunset from the top of the viewing tower provided by the management.

At certain times, visitors can see so many clouds and feel the sensation of being above the clouds with wisps of clouds or mist covering the entire green landscape to become as white as the clouds. Wolobobo Hill is right under the foot of Mount Inerie, Ngada district and close to one of the interesting tourist potentials called the Bena traditional village in the Tiworiwu Tourism Village.

There, visitors can see unique traditional houses and original ancestral traditions, as well as megalithic stones which serve as places for rituals to be carried out. When viewed from the air, the village is shaped like a broken boat that extends from north to south.

6. An exotic island paradise in Labuan Bajo
Labuan Bajo is the capital of West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. Geographically, this tourist spot is located in the western part of Flores Island, so it is known as the western gateway to Flores Island tourism.

Visitors can take advantage of direct access to Labuan Bajo with direct flights to Komodo International Airport to shorten travel time. In Labuan Bajo, visitors can go to the Komodo National Park which has been designated as a world heritage site by UNESCO and other interesting tourist attractions in the surrounding area. [ special]