HEAVENLY Indonesia, in collaboration with Travelita and the Tlilir Village Government, successfully held the 1st Tlilir Art and Culture Festival event entitled “From Village to The World”.

In addition, the event which will be held from 1-3 September 2023 in Tlilir Village, Kec. Tlogomulyo, Temanggung Regency, is also the first event in Indonesia where the venue is on the roofs of residents’ houses on the slopes of the mountain.

The event, which offers a view of the peak of Mount Sumbing, is capable of presenting ethnic music concerts with the line ups of Irene Ghea, Arlida Putri, Sinten Remen, and Jogja Hiphop Foundation, then there are also outdoor fashion shows from Identix Batik, Shibiru, Verano Design x ecoprint, as well as culinary festivals and These MSMEs have become a new tourism attraction to achieve the target of 1.2-1.4 billion movements of domestic tourists this year.

According to I Gusti Ayu Dewi Hendriyani, Head of the Public Communication Bureau of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, in her remarks at the festival site on Saturday (9/02), 2023 said that events such as cultural festivals are part of 3A (Access, Attractions, Amenities) and become an important element for advancing the tourism sector and the creative economy in Indonesia.

He also considered the Tlilir festival event as a form of innovation and adaptation to the trend of changing attitudes of post-pandemic tourists in traveling that are personalized, customize, localize and smaller in size.

“Post-pandemic tourists tend to prefer outdoor tourism activities and the atmosphere in Tlilir is suitable for ecotourism-based village development,” she said.

Dewi explained that the Ministry of Tourism appreciates and encourages the continuation of the Tlilir Art & Culture Festival event and invites all tourism stakeholders to collaborate.

“We hope that this festival will be sustainable so that it can become an annual event in Central Java and especially in Temanggung, and can bring in many visitors from various regions. So, in the end it will be able to support the achievement of the target of 1.2-1.4 billion domestic tourists in 2023. We at the ministry will support from the aspect of publication, promotion, and other support,” Dewi remarked.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Tourism and Culture Office of the Temanggung Regency Hendra Sumaryana added, apart from improving accessibility, his party would try to make the festival event known to more and more outsiders so that the multiplier effect would not only be felt in the district but nationally.

“Temanggung has two unique and global things, namely tobacco and coffee. This event is also a part that can be ‘sold’ and promoted,” he noted.

Likewise, Ridlo Amiruddin, Director of Digra Sinergi Harsa as the organizer of the Tlilir Art & Culture Festival, said that this event, which will be held annually, is a folk festival of arts and culture based on community-based tourism.

“We pay close attention to local wisdom, for example for outdoor fashion shows we work together with Youth Organization youth, PKK women and Farmer Women’s Groups (KWT). We educate them in only three days, but the results are quite satisfying on the catwalk,” he added.

Ridlo added, for next year’s implementation, his party remains committed to building events based on sustainable tourism and will synergize more with stakeholders.

“Next year, we will schedule the Tlilir Art and Culture Festival in July and will have the theme ‘Sound of Tlilir.’ It is hoped that this will become a series of events on the slopes of mountains in Central Java, such as the 7 Mountain Festival and the Dieng Culture Festival. This is important, so that outdoor-based tourists continue to grow,” Ridlo concluded. [ special]