CITILINK airline will open a Tasikmalaya-Jakarta round-trip flight route from and to Wiriadinata Airport, Cibeureum, Tasikmalaya. The first flight is planned to coincide with the 22nd anniversary of Tasikmalaya City, next October, 2023.

The signing of the Cooperation Agreement with Citilink Airline was carried out at the Citilink Jakarta Office, Monday (9/18), 2023. In his speech, Acting Mayor of Tasikmalaya, Dr. Cheka Virgowansyah, SSTP., M.E. said that this commercial flight is a form of commitment from both central and regional governments to improve connectivity between regions, especially the southern region or the East Priangan region which has great potential both in terms of trade and the tourism sector.

He also expressed his thanks to the Tasikmalaya City Regional House of Repreentative (DPRD), Wiriadinata Air Base, PT. Citilink Indonesia and all parties involved in efforts to reactivate Wiriadinata Airport. The Tasik-Halim flight plan will start in October 2023 to coincide with the 22nd anniversary of the City of Tasikmalaya.

“It is hoped that the ease of access and increased connectivity created by the activation of Wiriadinata airport will provide convenience for transportation services and will indirectly grow economic nodes in Tasikmalaya City,” he concluded. [sources/photo special]