THE MINISTRY of Tourism and Creative Economy supports the implementation of the 1st Indonesia Mountain Tourism Conference (IMTC) as an effort to promote the potential of mountain tourism in Indonesia.

According to the Director of Special Interest Tourism at Tourism Ministry, Itok Parikesit, said that this conference was being held on the occasion of World Tourism Day, namely September 27. The event, which was held at the Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk Hotel, West Jakarta, was one of the side events for Indonesia’s chairmanship of ASEAN.

This conference, continued Itok, is expected to be a momentum to bring together various parties in Indonesia in developing mountain tourism potential. Considering that Indonesia has a tourism destination that has quite a lot of mountain tourist attractions.

“Indonesia is the country that has the most mountains in the world, but there are still many obstacles in managing attractions and managing mountain tourism visitors. At this conference we will invite Pentahelix parties to discuss the development of mountain tourism potential in Indonesia,” said Itok.

Meanwhile, Adyatama Tourism and Creative Economy, Main Expert of the Tourism Ministry, Nia Niscaya, added that apart from discussing the development of mountain tourism potential, this conference was also an opportunity to discuss and develop various rules that must be obeyed by those interested in mountain tourism. Considering that mountain tourism has become one of the tourist attractions that tourists are interested in during the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to this day.

“This event also discusses do’s and don’ts for tourists and related stakeholders who can later make this tourism sustainable tourism,” concluded Nia. []