PRESIDENT Joko Widodo alias Jokowi continued his visit to the Nusantara National Capital (IKN), North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan. On this third day, Jokowi will again carry out the laying of the first stone or groundbreaking in the IKN area.

“Every month there must be another groundbreaking and I will come here every month, and the schedule is already with the Head of the Nusantara Authority (IKN),” said Jokowi in his statement, Saturday, (9/23), 2023.

There are at least 10 domestic investors who have invested IDR20 trillion to build various public facilities at IKN. The 10 investors are Agung Sedayu Group, Salim Group, Sinar Mas, Pulauintan, Adaro Group, Barito Pacific, Mulia Group, Astra Group, Kawan Lama Group, and Alfamart Group.

The following is a list of private projects starting to be built at IKN:
1. Hotel Nusantara
On the first day of his visit, Thursday, September 21 2023, Jokowi carried out the groundbreaking for the construction of the Nusantara Hotel. The five-star hotel was funded by the domestic company Agung Sedayu Group.

When inaugurating the construction of the Nusantara Hotel, Jokowi also thanked Sugianto Kusuma or Aguan, founder of the Agung Sedayu Group. Jokowi believes that the construction of the hotel can increase the confidence and interest of other investors, from within and outside the country, to invest in IKN.

In the presentation of the Nusantara Capital Authority’s Work Plan and Budget (Otorita IKN) for Fiscal Year 2023, there were several tycoons who were members of the Agung Sedayu Group consortium. These include Sugianto Kusuma (Agung Sedayu Group), Anthony Salim (Salim Group), Franky Wijaya (Sinarmas Group), Pui Sudarto (Pulau Intan), and Budi Hartono (Djarum Group).

2. Abdi Waluyo Hospital
Jokowi held the groundbreaking for the Abdi Waluyo Hospital in North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan, on Friday, September 22 2023. This is the first hospital built in the IKN area. Jokowi revealed that the investment for the hospital was IDR2 trillion.

The owner of this hospital is Sutrisno Tono Subagyo. As many as 91 percent of the shares in Abdi Waluyo Hospital are owned by PT Bhakti Husada. Abdi Waluyo Hospital proposed investing in IKN since last June.

Jokowi revealed that the hospital will have around 400 treatment rooms and provide subspecialist care. He hopes that the presence of Abdi Waluyo Hospital at IKN can become an attraction for people not only in the IKN area, but also people from all over Indonesia and abroad.

3. Hotel Vasanta
Today, Jokowi again carried out a groundbreaking for a hotel in the IKN area. This time it is the Vasanta Hotel in North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan. However, Jokowi did not specify who the investors in the hotel construction were. Through his statement, Jokowi only said that development in IKN was carried out by the government but not by the business world.

With the laying of this first stone, Jokowi hopes that it will become a motor for accelerating IKN development. The President also said that more facilities and infrastructure would be built at IKN, including hotels, hospitals, universities and even safari parks.

“We are talking about safari parks and other things that will start soon in the capital of the archipelago,” concluded President Jokowi. [ tempo]