THE “JOGJA Cultural Wellness Festival 2023” which was initiated by the Yogyakarta Special Region Government through the Regional Tourism Promotion Agency (BPPD) is ready to be held throughout November 2023 to introduce more widely the city of Yogyakarta as an Indonesian wellness tourism destination.

According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno in The Weekly Press Briefing at the Sapta Pesona Building, Jakarta, Monday (10/30), 2023, he said that I welcome and appreciate this initiative. This concept is one, namely #HealthyAndFitInIndonesiaAja, in line with our hopes. Hopefully this activity can become a regular, ongoing event.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Regional Tourism Promotion Agency for the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Bendara, explained that apart from Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), the cities of Surakarta and Bali are included in Indonesia’s wellness tourism destinations. So according to him, Yogyakarta must have its own uniqueness to differentiate it from other wellness tourism cities.

“Finally, we moved to determine that Jogja’s wellness is based on Mataram culture. Because historically there was a Jatisari agreement and a Giyanti agreement that separated the two kingdoms. And the Yogyakarta Palace gets its old culture. “Starting from the color of the cloth, dancing, archery and others,” said Gusti Kanjeng.

Departing from this background is what made the DIY Government present the Jogja Cultural Wellness Festival. Different from usual festivals, the Jogja Cultural Wellness Festival will take place throughout the weekend in November 2023 and its locations will be spread throughout the Yogyakarta area.

It is hoped that wellness tourism activists or communities can participate, because with the platform they can offer and sell various wellness programs or products.

“Continue to follow developments because every day there will be new programs. However, the quota is limited because wellness cannot be massive. So don’t miss it,” Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Bendara remarked.

The highlight of the festival itself will take place on 24-26 November 2023, featuring guest star artist Anjasmara, who is currently active as a yoga instructor.

Likewise, the President Director of the Bodobudur Authority, Agustin Warinangin, said that this activity does not only offer yoga, meditation or other wellness products. But there will be seminars, workshops and bazaars.

“As directed by the Minister, the impact of tourism must be comprehensive. “So we encourage the involvement of villages in DIY to become venues and also offer wellness products this November,” concluded Agustin. []