THE THEME of the 10th World Water Forum, “Water for Shared Prosperity”, is apparently in line with the goals of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

This was revealed by UNICEF Indonesia’s WASH (Water, Hygiene and Sanitation) Specialist, Salathiel Nali in Jakarta, Thursday (02/5), 2024, saying that UNICEF’s goals are covered in several focuses, including children’s need for access to clean water. Another focus is water scarcity and children’s health. UNICEF believes that there are still many children living in areas where water scarcity has a negative impact on their health.

On this occasion, Nali also mentioned that the theme of the 10th World Water Forum, to be held in Bali on May 18-25, 2024, is the relationship between climate change and reduced water supplies, which is a major threat to children’s well-being.

“For this reason, finding solutions for shared water prosperity will be very important in a world experiencing climate change,” said Nali.

Nali also stressed that UNICEF strongly supports the right to clean water and sanitation. The 10th World Water Forum is expected to directly promote equitable access to water.

The 10th World Water Forum will focus on discussing four things, including water conservation, clean water and sanitation, food and energy security, and natural disaster mitigation. of natural disasters).

A total of 244 sessions of the Forum are expected to produce concrete outcomes on the mainstreaming of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) on Small Islands, the establishment of a Center of Excellence or Best Practices on Water and Climate Security or the Center of Excellence on Water and Climate Resilience (COE), and the establishment of World Lakes Day.

The Indonesian government has invited 43 ambassadors and 4 international organizations to participate and make the 10th World Water Forum a success. [sources/photo special]