PRESIDENT Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stated that the Subak irrigation system in Bali Province is a form of local wisdom in treating water as a cultural value inherited from ancestors.

“As a country, with a water area that reaches 65 percent, Indonesia is rich in local wisdom in water management, from along coastlines, riverbanks to lake shores,” he remarked at the opening of the 10th World Water Forum High Level Conference in Bali, recently.

The president highlighted that water resources have important cultural value for people of Indonesia, with the Subak irrigation system in Bali been practiced since the 11th century and recognized as a world cultural heritage.

Jokowi further noted that water for the community is a glory of God while highlighting the spiritual and cultural value of water that should be managed together.

Jokowi remarked that this is in line with the World Water Forum’s current theme of “Water for Shared Prosperity” that can be interpreted into three basic principles.

The principles are avoiding competition, prioritizing equality and inclusive cooperation, and supporting peace and shared prosperity.

“All three can only be realized with one keyword, that is collaboration,” Jokowi affirmed.

“In Indonesia, collaboration has been the key to success in restoring the Citarum River as well as developing green energy, floating solar panels in the Cirata Reservoir, which is the largest in Southeast Asia and the third in the world,” he remarked. [antaranews/photo special]