HOLIDAYS in Jember, what’s going on? Well, the questions that dominate the FAQ section — the Java Lotus (J-Lo) Hotel’s question and answer room — are from those who don’t “know” Jember city.

To not know is to not love. To love the “cigar” district, the city of “students”, the city of Jember Fashion Carnival (JFC), the management of J-Lo Hotel Jember in mid-2024 will package the anti-mainstream product “SunatCation” at J-Lo, making a vacation to Jember a medical trip. The package pampers guests to enjoy hotel facilities, as well as carry out minor surgery, sunat or circumcision, in contemporary terms circumcision as part of worship for Muslims, health for the general public.

For Muslims, especially the people of Jember Regency, a town of Islamic boarding school students, circumcision is definitely valid. Muslims in Jember even circumcise babies as young as 8 days old. Circumcision is not entirely synonymous with Muslims. In the modern world, the world of artificial intelligence (AI), circumcision rituals are also performed by people of other faiths for health reasons.

We work with the Ibnu Sina Clinic, a clinic that focuses on modern adult circumcision without bleeding and with painless wounds using the Electro Surgical Unit Sealer (ESU) method. After circumcision, normal activities can be resumed immediately, except that xxx must wait patiently for one week.

According to Jeffrey Wibisono V, General Manager of Java Lotus Hotel, he revealed that the circumcision process was performed directly in the hotel room by the licensed owner of Ibnu Sina Clinic, nurse David. Of course, circumcision today is also part of the privacy of adult men, whatever the purpose. Both in terms of religion and healthy lifestyle. The hotel will convert the code in the reservation system.

He explained that circumcision, cutting or circumcision, maintaining health and caring for the body is an appreciation of oneself and the responsibility of the owner of the body. For women, it is good to take care of themselves by using skin care, body care, undergoing treatment at beauty clinics, spas and other self-pampering activities.

“Men are also obliged to maintain their health by caring for their vital organs and keeping them clean. One way to do this is through circumcision. Not only is it required from a religious (Islamic) perspective, but it is also recommended from a medical or health perspective based on American studies that have been conducted. “Please look for references online,” Jeffrey remarked.

In medical terms, circumcision is the act of cutting the foreskin or skin that covers the tip of the penis. There are many benefits to circumcision, including preventing urinary tract infections, reducing the rate of penile cancer, and preventing the spread of viruses.

The procedure can be performed in infancy because the healing process is quicker and the risk of complications and bleeding is minimal. However, many parents still don’t have the heart to have it done as babies, so most circumcisions are done when the child asks for it. When the child already understands and understands circumcision.

From year to year, this method of circumcision is always updated so that the action and healing process can be fast. In fact, this time the method offered by Java Lotus Hotel in cooperation with Ibnu Sina Clinic Jember — without the trauma of pain and without bleeding wounds. Interesting, right?

“The SunatCation (Circumcision Package) at J-Lo is for guests who want or need an adult circumcision as well as a stay at the hotel. On the first day after checking into the hotel, you will have dinner with Nurse David to build chemistry, you are welcome to discuss the circumcision procedure,” he said.

The next day, after breakfast, around 10:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. minor circumcision surgery will be performed in the hotel room. After the circumcision, please rest or take a walk to explore Jember Regency. On the third day, you will check out of the hotel and then travel to your respective cities. Want to stay longer in Jember?

“The SunatCation at J-Lo is for 2 people (1 patient and 1 companion) and is valid until December 2024. The package is for one adult male circumcision. The package includes self-service welcome drink in the lobby, stay 3 days 2 nights in the deluxe room type including buffet breakfast,” he noted.

Jeffrey added, both guests will also get Nasi Langgi dinner + one portion of drink each at MakanKoe Restaurant for the first day. The hotel will also provide souvenirs and merchandise from Java Lotus Hotel. []