OPTIMISTIC that the implementation of “The First Session of the 2024 UCLG ASPAC (United Cities and Local Government Asia Pacific) Executive Bureau” and the Likupang Tourism Festival on June 5-7, 2024 will be able to bring many tourists, both domestic and foreign, to North Sulawesi.

According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno in “The Weekly Brief with Sandi Uno”, at the Sapta Pesona Building, Central Jakarta, Monday (05/27), 2024, said that I believe many visitors from different countries will attend the event held at the Paradise Fold and Resort Hotel, Likupang, North Sulawesi.

“This coincides with the 2024 Likupang Tourism Festival, which was visited by more than 60,000 people in 2023. We hope it will increase even more this year so that we can optimize Likupang’s potential as a super priority destination, especially to be better known in the Asia-Pacific region,” said Minister Sandiaga.

UCLG ASPAC is a global association of local governments with more than 7,000 local governments worldwide.

Meanwhile, the Assistant Secretary for Resources and Institutions at the Ministry of Tourism, Martini M. Paham, added that this event is believed to be able to prove Indonesia’s commitment to develop sustainable tourism in the eyes of the world.

She recalled that the theme of this event is “Enhancing Sustainable Tourism and Creative Economy through Asia-Pacific Collaboration”, and this series of events is also filled with the planting of mangrove seedlings and the release of hatchlings.

“This is in line with the goals of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and in the RPJMN (National Medium Term Development Plan), we are focused on developing sustainable tourism and also how the economy can grow the national economy,” Martini remarked.

On the same occasion, the Regent of North Minahasa, Joune Ganda, said that these two events were supposed to be held on April 23-25 ​​2024. However, both had to be postponed due to the eruption of Mount Ruang in Sitaro Regency.

“So, these two events are the right momentum to restore the North Sulawesi tourism and creative sector which was affected by the eruption of Mount Ruang. So, we certainly hope that the implementation of this activity will be fully supported by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and the North Minahasa Regency Government will continue to work together with the provincial government to be able to hold international activities,” concluded Joune. []