THE LEADING hotel operator in Indonesia, ARTOTELGroup (AG), officially collaborates with PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) to manage Wisma Seni, located in the legendary art district of Jakarta, Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM).

This inauguration was marked by the signing of a cooperation agreement between Jakpro and ARTOTELGroup by the Managing Director of PT Jakarta Propertindo, Iwan Takwin, and the Chief Operating Officer of ARTOTELGroup, Eduard Rudolf Pangkerego, on May 22, 2024.

ARTOTELGroup, as Indonesia’s leading hotel operator promoting the concept of contemporary lifestyle and art, is considered by Jakpro as the right partner to manage this Wisma Seni. With its experience in managing hotels with art concepts through the ARTOTEL brand, which is spread across several locations in Jakarta, such as ARTOTEL Thamrin Jakarta, ARTOTEL Casa Kuningan, Mangkuluhur ARTOTEL Suites and most recently ARTOTEL Gelora Senayan at GBK Senayan, and in other major cities in Indonesia.

According to Eduard Pangkerego said of course, this is a clear proof that ARTOTELGroup can support Jakpro’s vision to develop the Taman Ismail Marzuki area as a center for Indonesian art and culture with international standards by managing an art guesthouse with star hotel standards, but still promoting the diversity of Indonesian art and culture.

He explained that Wisma Seni is equipped with 139 rooms ranging from 28 m2 to 52 m2, meeting rooms, swimming pools, common areas and restaurants. In addition, the location of Wisma Seni is Wisma Seni’s location in Taman Ismail Marzuki is also a one-stop destination area where there are several interesting places for guests who want to spend their stay with various activities, including the Jakarta Planetarium and the Jakarta Library, which are famous for their contemporary and aesthetic architectural designs.

“We are very grateful for the trust given by Jakpro to manage the accommodation especially for Indonesian artists. With this opportunity given, our company’s vision and mission to always pay attention to and work with Indonesian artists, both in providing space for them to work and display their works to the public through art spaces available in each ARTOTEL hotel brand, as well as providing comfortable accommodation, becomes stronger,” Eduard remarked.

He added that with the presence of an art guesthouse, which we will manage with international standards, it will further enhance the quality of TIM as the center of the international and iconic Indonesian art and culture ecosystem in the city of Jakarta.

“However, in order to continue to support the economy and tourism of the city of Jakarta in particular, Wisma Seni will also welcome guests from the general public, both for business and leisure. We have planned for this art guesthouse to be operational to receive guests in the third quarter of 2024,” he concluded.

Meanwhile, Iwan Takwin, President Director of PT Jakarta Propertindo, expressed his hope that through this cooperation, Wisma Seni TIM could support arts and cultural activities in the Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) area in the future. In terms of management, it can be standardized and operate professionally. []