NATIONAL Children’s Day is an important momentum to raise awareness and participation in ensuring the fulfillment of children’s rights to life, growth, development and protection, and is the key to the nation’s future progress.

According to Yulia Maria, Director of Marcom ARTOTELGroup (AG) in press conference of declaration event at the Astaka Grand Ballroom, ARTOTEL Gelora Senayan (07/23), 2024, said that therefore, ARTOTEL Gelora Senayan supports the National Commission on Disabilities (KND) together with the Child Disability Community Collaboration in presenting a campaign with peer term for children with disabilities or friends with disabilities with the theme “ME, YOU, WE ARE EQUAL”.

“We are very happy to be part of the declaration of the ‘Teman Sebaya’ or Peer Friends event this time. This is also a good first step for ARTOTEL Gelora Senayan Jakarta to demonstrate our role in the hotel industry through an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) program that focuses on ‘The ART of Goodness in People’. In the future, we will continue to be committed to being a part, providing equal opportunities and fully supporting disability and people with special needs,” said Yulia Maria.

However, when she asked what’s ARTOTELGroup (AG) does for disabled and special needs programs, Yulia Maria answered, for people with disabilities, AG has hired one employee at our head office for reservations and marketing programs. Meanwhile, for people with special needs, we have collaborated with the MATALESOGE Special Center with an internship program in several of our hotels for adult with special needs.

“The cooperation between ARTOTELGroup and MATALESOGE Special Needs Center includes holding or providing training or workshops (short courses) for hotel guests such as Brain Gym, Special Needs Holiday Programs or other forms of therapeutic or healing programs in any ARTOTELGROUP branch in Indonesia, including programs for corporate training, work training, merchandising and visual art exhibition,” she concluded.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the National Commission for Disabled Persons, Dante Rigmalia, said that every year in July 23 is celebrated as the National Children’s Day in Indonesia. This National Children’s Day designation was aligned with the ratification of the Child Welfare Law on July 23, 1979.

“National Children’s Day is an important momentum to increase awareness and participation in ensuring the fulfillment of children’s rights to live, develop and participate in accordance with human dignity, as well as protection from violence and discrimination,” she said.

Dante Rigmalia explained, the event we held in Jakarta also coincided with the culmination of National Children’s Day 2024 with the theme “Children’s Voices Build the Nation” which was held at Istora Papua Bangkit, Jayapura City, Papua, on this day, Tuesday (07/23), 2024. This activity was attended by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), First Lady, Iriana, Vice President, Wury Ma’ruf Amin, Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian, as well as other ministers of the Indonesian Cabinet of Ministers (KIM).

“The general objective of National Children’s Day 2024 is to respect, protect and fulfill the rights of children as the next generation of the nation. Apart from this, there are specific objectives for this year’s commemoration, namely: (1). Increasing women’s empowerment in entrepreneurship as an effort to fulfill children’s rights, (2). Strengthening the role of the family and childcare, (3). Reduce violence against children, (4). Reducing child labor, (5). Preventing child marriage,” she remarked.

She added that the Peer Friends Declaration was initiated as a form of synergy through a term campaign people with disabilities or friends with disabilities to shift stigma through institutions and ministries by discussing their respective roles in fulfilling the rights of children with disabilities.

But when asked about ‘coaching’ for people with disabilities and special needs who are placed in companies, Dante Rigmalia replied that the National Commission on Disability (KND) only monitors it, so we provide coaching for companies that accept people with disabilities and special needs to APINDO (Indonesian Entrepreneurs Association).

“Another thing that we also want to convey is that through this activity we can raise awareness to be able to respect the rights of children with disabilities and we also want to provide socialization about the importance of protecting children with disabilities to the wider community, including parents, teachers and the general public,” concluded Dante Rigmalia. []