THE MINISTRY of Tourism and Creative Economy will support efforts to propose Buleleng Regency as a UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN). Previously, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy had designated six creative regencies/cities in 2024 and one of them was Buleleng Regency with the handicraft sub-sector as a leading one.

According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno at the Buleleng Cultural Park, Friday (08/30), 2024 evening, said that its potential is indeed extraordinary, we see its creative economy products and Buleleng Regency has been designated as a creative regency that is ready for us to propose to become a world creative regency through the UNESCO process.

“Indonesia itself already has three cities that have received the UCCN predicate, namely Pekalongan in the craft and folk-art category, Bandung in the design category, and Ambon in the music category. With the legitimacy of UNESCO, it will certainly have a great impact. Not only on the sustainability and preservation of existing arts and culture potential, but also indirectly it will become an effective means of promotion,” said Sandiaga.

He explained that this will increase the interest of tourists to come to Indonesia, especially Buleleng, and the community will become more prosperous. This designation will also automatically make an area an ecosystem that will be directly monitored by UNESCO so that the stakeholders will consistently preserve the performing arts, culture and existing annual event activities.

“There are 17 sub-sectors in the creative economy that can be selected according to Law Number 24 of 2019, Buleleng has chosen crafts as the driving sub-sector. And the supporting sub-sectors must also be prepared starting from culinary, fashion, music, film, performing arts, there are also gaming applications and so on,” Minister Sandiaga affirmed.

The presence of this workshop is the support of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in presenting a discussion space between the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, the Regency Government and artists to find innovations, ideas or strategic steps that can lead Buleleng to later receive UNESCO recognition as a Creative Cities Network in the category of handicrafts.

“Therefore, we also need to prepare by increasing its connectivity. Earlier, we talked about toll roads, airports and sea routes. We also see opportunities to increase capacity through promotional training and creative economy products that can hopefully be a better attraction for Buleleng,” Sandiaga concluded. []