THE MINISTRY of Creative Economy encourages the improvement of product quality and human resource (HR) competencies for culinary, craft and fashion actors in Merauke, South Papua.

According to the Minister of Creative Economy, Teuku Riefky Harsya, at the Creative Economy Incubation event at the Food Estate Area at Megaria Hotel, Merauke, Saturday (12/14), 2024, this activity is a quick win program of the Ministry of Creative Economy to explore and strengthen the potential of the culinary, craft and fashion sub-sectors in Merauke and its surroundings. In addition, Merauke is one of the “Food Estate” areas designated by the Indonesian government.

“This creative economy will become a new engine of (economic) growth not only nationally but also in each region,” said Riefky. Therefore, this incubation is one of the key programs to create a strong ecosystem for the culinary, craft and fashion sub-sectors and support the development of culinary, craft and fashion players in Merauke.

“This creative economy incubation aims to create a conducive ecosystem for creative economy actors. So that they can develop innovative ideas, improve their skills and build wider networks,” he said.

In addition, Riefky believes that the incubation, which will be held from December 12 to 14, 2024, will be able to provide new knowledge to actors in the culinary, handicraft, and fashion sectors in Merauke on the use of intellectual property rights (IPR) and product marketing.

“This is a great opportunity for creative economy actors to explore the widest possible knowledge from experts on financial management, marketing, branding and opportunities for consultation on intellectual property rights,” Riefky stated.

According to Riefky, the presence of a strong culinary, craft and fashion sub-sector ecosystem in Merauke will be able to improve the economic level of the Merauke community in the future.

“Hopefully with this activity we can all realize the creative economy as an engine of economic growth in South Papua and ultimately support it as a new engine of growth for the national economy,” Riefky concluded. []