ON 16 January 2025, Minister of Foreign Affairs Sugiono confirmed the composition of the Indonesian Council on World Affairs (ICWA) for the period of 2025-2027.

The confirmation signifies the reactivation of the organization, which had to halt its activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. ICWA was founded by Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Alatas and Minister of Tourism and Post and Information Joop Ave on December 2, 1997. This organization is a continuation of Dharma Caraka, a discussion group formed by former Indonesian ambassadors (including Suryono Darusman, Atmono Suryo, and Garnawan Dharmaputra).

Over the years, ICWA has carried on its legacy through holding a number of diplomatic activities, in the form of policy speeches held by a number of Heads of State/Governments and Foreign Ministers on their state visit to Indonesia, presenting to the Diplomatic Corps in Jakarta, businessmen and academics. This collection of statements/speech has been recorded in the book “Into The New World” (2010).

In its development from 1997 to the end of 2019, ICWA’s membership has expanded and accommodated various elements – apart from former diplomats – as well as businessmen, academics, the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) who are involved in the field of foreign relations.

Foreign policy is defined as a policy taken by the Indonesian government in the context of its relations with the international world to achieve national goals as written in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution, namely: “protecting the entire Indonesian nation and all of Indonesia’s bloodshed; promote general welfare; enlightening the nation’s life; and participate in implementing world order based on freedom, eternal peace and social justice…” (Paragraph IV of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution).

This definition is in line with the definition of foreign policy as stated in Article 1 paragraph (2) of Law no. 37 of 1999 concerning foreign relations, namely as follows: “Foreign Policies are the policies, attitudes and steps of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia taken in carrying out relations with other countries, international organizations and other subjects of international law in order to face international problems in order to achieve national goals ”.

ICWA aims to advance cooperation between nations by providing a discussion forum to discuss and analyze international politics, economics, culture, strategy and science and technology issues. ICWA also promotes the exchange of views regarding policies and information that can encourage and foster understanding of global, regional and bilateral problems and trends, as well as provide input for determining government policies that encourage international cooperation.

To achieve these aims, ICWA continues to develop close collaboration with relevant institutions, universities, research institutions and non-governmental organizations in Indonesia and will actively develop collaboration with similar institutions/bodies from other countries.

Relevant to Today’s Challenges
Fast yet accurate information is the key to a mission’s success. Currently, dozens of false information are circulating at any time via social media. The spread of hoaxes is difficult to prevent. The only step that is effective enough to ward off hoaxes is to respond promptly to fake news by disseminating true news and accurate information.

Through accurate fact-checking that ICWA will collect, it will not only help improve the role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Representatives, but also other Ministries and Institutions.

ICWA’s presence is also felt to be increasingly relevant at a time when the international community is waiting for Indonesia’s swift response. Several global, regional and interregional issues require joint attention. At the same time, world attention to Indonesia is also increasing, namely: ASEAN, Indonesia has been accepted as a member of BRICS, it must be known how it is prepared to carry out the tasks and vision of BRICS.

Of course, from all the incidents above, ICWA can continue to work and provide input on concrete steps that Indonesia will take, especially since President Prabowo Subianto, through Minister of Foreign Affairs Sugiono, has stated that Indonesia’s external politics has not changed and is free and active.

The Method Used by ICWA
The confirmation of the ICWA’s newest leadership structure is a moment to revitalize ICWA in Indonesian diplomacy in the midst of a very dynamic world situation. Through seminars, forum group discussions (FGD), podcasts by inviting relevant experts as resource persons, ICWA’s aims are interactive discussion involving levels of expertise and experience.

Foreign Minister Sugiono emphasized that ICWA is a very strategic forum and organization and will increase Indonesia’s participation in the international world.

“Indonesian diplomacy is expected to be able and active as a navigator, especially in achieving future Indonesian Government programs which we know as the “Golden Indonesia Vision 2045″. Therefore, we realize that Indonesia’s diplomatic role is not a role that can be carried out alone… and must be more active, inclusive and bold. Be bolder,” said Sugiono.

“This is the new beginning for ICWA – not for relaunching because the launch had already occurred in December 1997 – but to revitalize or reactivate ICWA and to start carrying out its activities again on a basis and in accordance with the objectives that have been established. “agreed at the time of ICWA’s founding,” said Chairman of the ICWA Leadership Council, Ambassador T.M. Hamzah Thayeb.

With the message and enthusiasm conveyed by Minister of Foreign Affairs Sugiono above and with the resumption of cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ICWA is expected to be able to fulfill what was hoped for by its founders, namely the establishment of mutual understanding and international cooperation between countries and nations in the world.

Finally, let me quote Foreign Minister Sugiono’s hopes regarding ICWA: “Hopefully ICWA will continue to grow big and become a strategic partner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the glory of a nation and state.

ICWA Board Composition for the 2025-2027
PATRONS: Alwi Shihab, N. Hassan Wirajuda, R.M. Marty M. Natalegawa, Retno L. P. Marsudi, Sugiono, Rosan P. Roeslani.
ADVISORY BOARD: Soemadi Brotodiningrat, Makarim Wibisono, Nazarudin Nasution, Artauli Tobing, Marzuki Darusman, Rizal Sukma, Bachtiar Aly, Tantowi Yahya.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Purnomo Yusgiantoro, Da’i Bachtiar, Husin Bagis, Gandhi Sulistiyanto, S.D. Darmono, Harsha Joesoef, Ito Sumardi.
GOVERNING BOARD: T.M. Hamzah Thayeb (Chair), Dian Wirengdjurit (Member), Dinna Prapto Raharja (Member), Wieke Adiyatwidi Adiwoso (Vice Chair), Bunyan Saptomo (Member), Ratu Silvy Gayatri (Member).
EXECUTIVE BOARD: Bagas Hapsoro (Chair), Prayono Atiyanto(Treasurer I), Harsya Denny Suryo (Member), Gatot S. Dewa Broto (Member), Suhardjono Sastromihardjo (Vice Chair), Trie Edi Mulyani (Treasurer II), Mohamad Asruchin (Member), Kenssy Dwi Ekaningsih (Member).
SECRETARIAT:Lilis Purwanti, Anna Pustiana, Heru Priyanto. [Writen by Bagas Hapsoro former Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon (2007-2009) and the Ambassador to the Kingdom of Sweden and Latvia, based in Stockholm (2016-2020)]