A SURVEY conducted by Pegipegi as an Online Travel Agent (OTA) in collaboration with the international survey agency YouGov revealed that 8 of 10 Indonesians choose to travel in 2020.
This survey was conducted on more than 2,000 respondents spread throughout Indonesia to find out the traveling preferences of Indonesian people in 2020 which was conducted in November 2019.
In this survey, Pegipegi found 3 types of traveling preferences that were of interest to Indonesian travelers. Namely, destinations with beautiful natural scenery, destinations with affordable budget, and destinations of historical attractions and cultural heritage.
Based on Pegipegi’s survey results, more than 78% of respondents chose traveling to destinations that offer beautiful scenery, 62% chose to travel to destinations with affordable costs, and 51% chose to travel to destinations that had cultural tourism and historical heritage.
The following details of survey results found from 3 traveling preferences: Destinations with Beautiful Natural Scenery. Destinations with beautiful natural scenery are more attractive to female respondents. Most of them are married and work full time with a percentage of up to 82%.
In this category, Raja Ampat, Mount Bromo, Dieng, Nusa Penida and Labuan Bajo are 5 of the most attractive natural attractions for respondents.
Respondents mentioned three main reasons to visit tourist attractions with beautiful natural scenery, as many as 78% want to enjoy the natural scenery, 77% want to relieve stress, and 69% want to refresh the mind from work routines.
Affordable Destinations
As many as 70% of respondents favor affordable destinations for women, and 72% are aged 35-44 years.
Yogyakarta, Bandung, Denpasar, Malang and Solo are the five destinations with the most affordable budget categories. The three main reasons that travelers choose to visit tourist attractions with an affordable budget are 77% of the opinion that many cheap and good tours to visit, 76% want to taste cheap culinary, and 71% of them want to get easy access.
Tourist Attractions History and Cultural Heritage
Historical and cultural heritage attractions are most in demand by male respondents with a percentage of 53%. In this survey, Yogyakarta is the favorite location of respondents because it has a lot of historical tourism and cultural heritage.
Based on a survey conducted, the top three favorite locations of historical tourism and cultural heritage that are in demand by travelers include Borobudur Temple by 62%, Prambanan Temple by 56%, and Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace by 51%.
Respondents mentioned three main reasons they chose historical sights and cultural heritage to travel in 2020 were, 81% wanted to get to know cultural or historical destinations more deeply, 76% wanted to add cultural or historical insights, and 59% wanted to learn about the uniqueness of an area.
In addition to the survey regarding traveling preferences above, Pegipegi also conducted research to find out when it is time to get the best price for booking airplane and hotel tickets based on data in 2019.
The following is a list of flight ticket reservations months with the most affordable prices based on Pegipegi data: (1) Jakarta-Bali route: January and February, (2). Jakarta-Surabaya route: January, February and July, (3). Jakarta-Medan route: February, March, April, June, and July, (4). Jakarta-Yogyakarta route: January and February, (5). Yogyakarta-Jakarta Route: During February-May, and August-October, (6). Surabaya-Bali route: February, (7). Surabaya-Makassar route: February, March and May. [photo traveltext.id]